Computer History
Computer History (US)
1868-73 - (QWERTY keyboard) - James Denmore
1889 - Herman Hollerith patented electromechanical punch card tabulating system
1911 - Hollerith Tabulating Machine Company merged with Computing Tabulating Recording Company to form International Business Machines (IBM)
1943 - IBM and Harvard professor Howard Allen, complete the Mark I, first large scale automatic digital computer
1946 - ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
1948 - Transistors - William Shockley, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain
1951 - UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer - Eckert and Mauchly for the Census Bureau
1957 - Fortan - John Backus
1958 - ALGOL Computer Language - Switzerland
1959 - COBAL - Grace Murphy Hopper
1962 - Microcomputer- Digital Corp
1964 - BASIC computer language - Thomas Kurtz and John G. Kennedy
1965 - Word processor- IBM
1967 - Computer pioneer Doug Engelbart patents a mouse
1968 - Intel: Andy Grove, Noyce, George Moore
1969 - AMD: Jeremiah Jerry Sander
1969 - Unix developed for Bell Laboratories
Sun Microsystems (Stanford University Network) - James Gosling (Stanford University)
Sun Microsystems (Stanford University Network) - Bill Joy (UC Berkeley)
1969 - Pascal Computer languages- Nicklaus Wirth
1970 - Computer Floppy disk - IBM
1970 - Bar code System - Monarch Marking, US and Plessey Telecom, England
1971 - Intel released the 4004
1971 - Liquid crystal display- Hoffman LaRoche Lab, Switzerland
1972 - Video disk - Philips Co, Netherlands
1972 - Video Games - Nolan’s Bushnel
1973 - Alto Computer - Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Complex - a graphical user interface (GUI)
1973 - IBM (bar code scanner)
1975 - First PC - MITS Altair 8800
1975 - Microsoft founded by Bill Gates (Harvard University) and Paul Allen
1976 - Apple Computer founded by Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak
1977 - Apple II - text and graphics in color
1977 - RSI/Oracle
1977 - Oracle Commercial RDBMS
1981 - IBM PC - IBM 5150
IBM - Thomas Watson (Brown University)
Microsoft Windows 3.0 - (3 1/2 Floppy Disk) - (GUI)
1982 - A+ Certification Computer Technician
1983 - Oracle Portable RDBMS
1984 - Oracle Portable SQL toolset
1984 - Apple introduces the Macintosh computer (Lisa) - Graphical User Interface (GUI)
1984 - Megabit Computer chip - IBM
1984 - Cisco was founded in order to enable communication. In 1984, founders Len Bosack and Sandy Lerner
1985 - CD- ROM - Hitachi, Japan
1985 - AOL founded
1986 - Oracle Client/Server RDBMS
1987 - Oracle CASE tools
1987 - IBM - OS 2 Warp Operating System
1988 - Oracle 6 Released
1989 - Tim Berners Lee - World Wide Web
1989 - Commercial ISP - Internet Service provider - dial up service
1990 - HTML - Tim Berners Lee
1990 - Oracle client based toolsets
1991 - Linux operating system - Linux Torvalds (Finland)
1991 - Oracle Parallel Server released
1991 - Tim Berners Lee - First Web browser
1991 - Garmin GPS
1991 - Sim Card
1993 - Oracle CDE, Media Server
1993 - Mosaic - First web browser
1994 - Netscape Navigator
1994 - Oracle 7 for the PC
1994 - Amazon, Yahoo
1994 - Sony PlayStation
1995 - eBay
1995 - Windows 95
1995 - Internet explorer
1995 - Yahoo - Jerry Yang and David Filo in January (1994)
1995 - USB 1.0
1995 - Java Programming Language
1995 - Windows 95
1996 - Palm Pilot - handheld computer and personal information manager - touch screens
1996 - Oracle Universal Server released
1996 - Hotmail
1997 - IBM Deep Blue Beats Garry Kasparov
1997 - Red Hat Linux 5.2
1997 - IPv4
1997 - Oracle 8 released
1998 - Windows 98
2000 - Windows NT - new technologies
2000 - Microsoft splits into 5 departments
2000 - Windows 2000
2001 - Apple introduced Unix like system for Mac OS X
2002 - The total number of personal computers, both desktop and laptop reach 1 billion
2003 - Windows XP
2003 - Microsoft Office / Microsoft Works
2003 - Google - Gmail
2005 - Windows Vista
2005 - Apple used IBM Power PC chips
2006 - Apple began using Intel chips
2007 - Apple introduced the iPhone
2007 - Amazon releases kindle
2008 - Google Releases mobile operating system - Google - Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Stanford University)
2010 - Apple sells 3 million iPad
2010 - Windows 7
Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg (Harvard University)
2011 - Google chrome book
2012 - Windows 8 operating system
2012 - Microsoft App Store
2013 - Smartwatches
2014 - Amazon Echo
2014 - Apple Pay
2014 - IBM Summit
2014 - USB C
2015 - IPv6
2016 - Windows 10
2018 - 2019 - 5G Networks
2020 - Internet speed record - 178 Tbps
2021 - Internet speed record - 319 Tbps - terabits per second
Computer Stores
Commodore 64 - VIC 20 - (5 1/4 Disk)
CompUSA - Computer Superstore - Gaithersburg, MD
386 - 8086 Architecture - 3 1/2 Floppy Disk, ISA Slots, Serial Ports (mouse), Parallel port (printer)
Floppy Disk - 3 1/2 Floppy Disk - 1.44 MB
IBM PC DOS 6.0 (3 1/2 Floppy Disk)
MS DOS 5.0 (3 1/2 Floppy Disk)
486 - 8086 Architecture - 3 1/2 Floppy Disk, ISA Slots, Serial Ports (mouse), Parallel port (printer)
ISA - VGA Graphics Card
ISA - SVGA Graphics Card
ISA - Sound Blaster - Sound Card
Memory - ROM
Memory - SDRAM
Memory - EDO RAM
IO Mega - External Drive - 100 MB Disk
IO Mega - Jazz Drive
Pentium 586 - 8086 Architecture
Pentium 586 - MMX Chip - Multimedia
CD ROM - Drive
Windows 95 (CD ROM)
USB 1.0
PCI Card Slots
24 Baud Fax/Modem / 56 Baud Fax/Modem
Ethernet Card
Ethernet Hub
Apple II e - 5 1/4 Floppy Disk
Parallel Port - Dot Matrix Printer - Continuous Printing
Laser Printer
Ink Jet Printer
Hewlett-Packard -
Gateway Computers
Dell - Michael Dell - Texas
Texas Instruments - Texas
Computer Software
Adobe - Photoshop, Pagemaker, Reader, Writer
Macromedia - Dreamweaver
Amazon - Jeff Bezos (Princeton University)
Apache Foundation -
Mozilla Foundation -
Babbages - Computer Software
Microsoft - A PC in every home
Sun - We make the net work
Google - Organizing the world’s information - Search Engine
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology - Gaithersburg, MD
NARA - National Archives
NSF - National Science Foundation
ANSI - America National Standards Institute
FCC - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government that regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable across the United States. The FCC maintains jurisdiction over the areas of broadband access, fair competition, radio frequency use, media responsibility, public safety, and homeland security
Book: World Almanac