
What Are the Symptoms of Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)?

The symptoms of COVID-19 have expanded as researchers learn more about it. The CDC updated its list of symptoms on April 27 to include the following:

    • Cough
    • Fever
    • Breathing difficulty
    • Chills
    • Chills which may cause repeated shaking
    • Headache
    • Throat pain
    • Muscle pain
    • New loss of the sense of taste and smell

Other symptoms that may be present in some individuals include a reddish/purple skin on the toes of mainly children and young adults (termed Covid toes), stroke in some younger individuals (less than 50 years old) and in children(usually, less than 5 years old), some develop symptoms of Kawasaki disease (rash, swollen neck nodes, reddish fingers or toes, inflammation of heart vessels).

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself?

The World Health Organization (WHO) offers eight tips for avoiding COVID-19 infection:

    • Keep your hands clean frequently with soap and water, or an alcohol-based rub. Both can kill the virus.
    • Keep at least 3 feet (1 meter) of distance between yourself in others in public. This protects you from the droplets released in their breath when a person coughs or speaks. Note that the CDC recommends keeping a distance of 6 feet (about 2 meters).
    • Stay away from crowded areas.
    • Don’t touch your face. Your hands can bring the virus to your mouth, nose, or eyes, which may cause infection.
    • If you have a sneeze or cough, cover it using your bent elbow or a tissue. Make sure others around you do the same.
    • Stay home and away from others even if you have only mild symptoms. These may include headache, fever, and a mild cough.
    • If your symptoms become more serious, and you develop cough, fever, or find it difficult to breath, seek medical attention immediately.
    • Stay up to date on the latest health information by following trusted news and information sources, as well as local and national health authorities.