Windows 10 and Solaris 10
Java Standard Edition
Java Standard Edition
Developer's Tools
- Java Development Kit 1.7
- Eclipse with Oracle Plugin
- Java Media Framework
Installation Guide
- Install jdk to program files
- Install eclipse to program files
- Install java media framework
Java Services (1.7, 1.8)
- Editor: Eclipse, Netbeans, JDeveloper, Sun Studio
- Application Servers: Tomcat, Weblogic, Websphere, Oracle 11g
- Build: Ant, Maven
- Install: Install4J, Jar
- Test: JUnit, Cruise Control, Hudson/Jenkins
- Project: Trac, Bugzilla, Solaris Project
- Configuration Management: CVS, Subversion
- Profiler: JProfiler
- OS: Windows, Apple, Solaris/Linux
- Desktop: Swing, SWT, JavaFX
- Graphics: Java3D, JOGL (Java + Open GL)
- Web: J2EE, JavaFX, JSF
- Browser: Firefox, Chrome
- Languages: Java, JRuby, JSP, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
Environment Support :
- This uses the jdk1.7.0 32 bit
- This uses the jdk1.8.0_181
- Rename the (os).xml => environment.xml
- solaris.xml
- solaris-32.xml
- solaris-64.xml
- windows.xml
- windows-32.xml (Programs Files)
- windows-64.xml (Programs Files x86)
Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse
- Eclipse 3.0 (jdk 1.7.0)
- Eclipse 4.0 (jdk 1.8.1)
Eclipse (Getting Started)
- Eclipse | Windows Preferences | Java | Installed JRE | Add | jdk1.8.1
- Import project (C:\Developer\Test\workspace)
- Double click build.xml
- Right click run target
- Right click default target for distribution files (desktop/web application)
Eclipse On Windows platforms:
- Window | Open Perspective | Java
- Window | Open Perspective | Debug
- Window | Open Perspective | Database Development
- Window | Open Perspective | XML
- Window | Open Perspective | Web
- Window | Open Perspective | JavaScript
Web Project
- Import project (JourneyLife)
- Right click default target for distribution files (desktop/web application)
Web Application Deploy
- Install Apache Tomcat
- Copy dist/web - Web Archive to ApacheTomcat/webapps directory
- http://localhost:8080/JourneyLife
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