Microsoft Windows Store
- Alexa App
- Dragon Talk
- Norton
- MyAttorney Home and Business
- Quicken Home and Business
- Password Plus
- WinZip
- Firefox
- Microsoft Office 2003 / 2010
- Word Perfect (Documents)
- Quattro Pro (Spread Sheets)
- Presentations (Presentations)
- Corel After Shot (Pictures)
- Corel Video Studio
- McAfee Antivirus
- Glary Utilities
- Internet Explorer
- Hotmail
- News
- Documents
- Sites
- Maps
- Books
- Windows Marketplace
Oracle/Solaris 10 Applications - User's Guide
- Firefox 31.0
- Thunderbird 31.0
- Real Player 11
- Open Office 3.4.1, Star Office 8
- Java Media Player / CD Player / Movie Player
- Security: SunScreen Firewall, Sun Management Console
- Google Chrome
- Gmail
- Google+
- News
- Documents
- Sites
- Maps
- Books
Google Play Store
- Gmail
- Contacts Sync
- Mobile Apps
Apple App Store
- Apple Application Store
- Apple iTunes
- Apple Support
Linux Mint - Applications
Linux Mint - Applications
Software Manager - Applications
Software Manager - Applications
Applications - Desktop (Icons)
- Computer
- Blender (3D Graphics Program)
- Browse C: Drive (Wine Emulator)
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Chromium Web Browser
- Files (File Browser)
- Firefox
- Gimp (Graphics Program)
- GParted (Disk Formatter)
- Inkscape (Graphics Program)
- K3b (Graphics Program)
- Thunderbird / Evolution
- Linux Libre Office / Open Office
- Document Viewer
- Text Editor | Vim | Emacs
- VLC Player
- Media Player / Cinema / Movie Player
Synaptics Package Manager
- Developer Tools
- Java 8 / JMF / Java FX
- Apache Ant
- Apache Netbeans
- Apache Tomcat
- Eclipse (Luna 4.0 - Wine Emulator)
- Postgres Database
- MySQL Database
- Developer Documentation
- Developer Packages and Libraries
System (Appearance, Preferences, Hardware, Administration)
- Driver Manager
- Software Manager
- Synaptics Package Manager
- System
- System Info
- System Settings
- Sound | Sound Converter
- Network
- Network Connections
- Putty (Telnet, SSH)
- Terminal
- Firewall
- Startup Applications
- System Monitor
- Backup Tool
- Timeshift
- KeePassX (Password Program)
- Users and Groups
- Welcome Screen
- Workspaces