Software Inspection

Software Inspection Guide

Software Lifecycle

    • Requirements, Inspection
    • Architecture, Inspection
    • Design, Inspection
    • Code, Inspection
    • Unit Test, Inspection
    • Integration Test, Inspection
    • System Test, Inspection

Inspection Handbook

    • The inspection process is always managed by a trained and certified inspection leader
    • The leader is responsible for managing the process in all respect for productive results
    • The first objective of inspection is to identify and correct major defects
    • The second objective of inspection is to identify and remove the source of defects
    • The fundamental measure of inspection success is the quality to cost ratio of the total development and service life cycle.
    • The productivity measure of inspection is the net hours saved, estimated statistically, due to defects found and removed earlier than otherwise would be.
    • Entry: The rest of the inspection process is only entered when a specified set of entry criteria have been met.
    • Planning: The leader selects a set of source documentation, candidate documentation, checklists, rule, set, checking rate, people, roles, and logging meeting rates to ensure maximum productivity.
    • Kickoff: The leader can elect to run a kickoff meeting prior to checking. Team improvement goals and corresponding strategies are adopted. Any necessary instruction is given.
    • Checking: The checking phase has a recommended time or rate, but checkers have instruction to deviate from that whenever individual ability, role or situation dictates, in order to increase productivity.
    • The objective of individual checking is to identify a maximum of unique major issues which no other checker will bring to the logging meeting. To do this each checker should have at least one special role.
    • Logging meeting: The team concentrates on logging items at a rate of at least one per minute. Item logged include potential defects, improvement suggestions, and questions of intent to the author. The leader permits little other verbal meeting activity. Meetings last a maximum of two hours at the known optimum rate. If necessary, work must be chunked to avoid tiredness. Optimum checking rate for the meeting is determined by the percentage of new issues identified in the logging meeting as well as quantity of documents.
    • Edit: Issue analysis and correction action is undertaken by an editor. Some written action must be taken on all logged issues, if necessary by sending change requests to other authors. The editor makes the final classification of issues into defects, and reports final defect metrics to the leader. Edit also deals with improvements and can deal with questions to the author.
    • Follow up: The leader shall determine that some appropriate writtenaction has been taken on all logged issues. The leader is not responsible for the correctness, the editor or author is.
    • Exit: The leader determines whether the formal exit criteria have been met before signing off completion of the inspection. These include follow up completed, metrics delivered, planned rates kept, and level of remaining defects within acceptable bound.
    • Process brainstorming: Immediately after each logging meeting, time is used to brainstorm the process causes of major defects, and to brainstorm improvements to remove these causes. These suggestions are stored in the QA database for process change management team. This meeting shall last no more that half an hour. The objective is to maximize production of the useful ideas and personal commitment to change within that time.

Process Change Management

Software Lifecycle

    • Netbeans: Eclipse Project Importer (sun jdk1.5)
    • Eclipse: Netbeans Project Importer (oracle jdk 1.7)

Process Change Management Team

    • Leader
    • Author / Editor
    • Checker
    • Scribe


    • Plan the process
    • Lead meetings
    • Collect basic metrics
    • Make sure rules and procedures are followed

Author / Editor

    • Brain storming
    • Logging
    • Editor


    • Checking
    • Logging


    • Logging



Process Improvement

    • General
    • Planning and Entry
    • Software development stage
    • Corrections
    • Change Requests
    • Improvements
    • Next software development stage


    • General
    • Planning and Entry
    • Kickoff
    • Checking
    • Logging
    • Brainstorming
    • Edit
    • Follow-up
