Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse
- Eclipse 3.0 (jdk 1.7.0)
- Eclipse 4.0 (jdk 1.8.1)
Eclipse (Getting Started)
- Eclipse | Windows Preferences | Java | Installed JRE | Add | jdk1.8.1
- Import project (C:\Developer\Test\workspace)
- Double click build.xml
- Right click run target
- Right click default target for distribution files (desktop/web application)
Eclipse On Windows platforms:
- Window | Open Perspective | Java
- Window | Open Perspective | Debug
- Window | Open Perspective | Database Development
- Window | Open Perspective | XML
- Window | Open Perspective | Web
- Window | Open Perspective | JavaScript
Web Project
- Import project (JourneyLife)
- Right click default target for distribution files (desktop/web application)
Web Application Deploy
- Install Apache Tomcat
- Copy dist/web - Web Archive to ApacheTomcat/webapps directory
- http://localhost:8080/JourneyLife
Eclipse: Working with other languages
Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit
- Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, HTML, SQL, XML
Getting Started with Eclipse and JRuby
The Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) plugin is a popular method to work with Ruby in
Eclipse. Aptana has a Ruby/Rails plugin, but most programmers seem to recommend the
DLTK plugin over it.
To install the DLTK Ruby plugin:
Install Eclipse, if you do not already have it. I like to start off with a minimal
Eclipse installation.
Go to Help -> Install New Software. From the dropdown choose All Available Sites.
After the list below fills up, choose Programming Languages -> Dynamic Languages Toolkit –
Ruby Development Tools. Install it and restart Eclipse.
Configure the Ruby or JRuby interpreter you want to use in
Window -> Preferences -> Ruby -> Interpreters.
You can create Ruby projects and edit, run and debug .rb files now in Eclipse!