Baby Shower Checklist
Baby Shower - Checklist
Baby Shower - Checklist
Baby showers- Preparing the for the baby
Outfitting the Baby's Nursery
First Wardrobe
- Four terry cloth sleepers
- Three pairs of botees or socks
- Two receiving blankets
- Three under shirts
- Three lightweight tops
- Burp cloths: cloth diapers
As Baby Grows
- Four rompers
- Two washable bibs
- Outing clothes, according to age and occasion
Seasonal Clothes
- Two hats: sun hat, heavier weight ear covering hat
- Two sweaters, weight according to season
- One bunting with attached mitts for cold weather
- Two blankets, weight according to season
Diapering Needs
- Package of disposable diapers
- Three dozen cloth diapers
- Diaper pins or clips
- Three waterproof diaper covers
- Diaper pail
- Cotton balls, cotton swabs
- Pre moistened disposable baby wipes
- Diaper rash cream (zinc oxide)
- Black and white mobile to hang above the changing area
Feeding supplies
Bottle feeding items
- Four bottles, four ounce (120 milliliters)
- Four nipples
- Utensils: tongs, measuring pitchers, spoons, can opener, bottle brush, sterilizing pot
Breastfeeding Helpers
- Three nursing bras
- Breast pads, no plastic linings
- Nursing blouse and dresses
- Baby sling
- Footstool to prop feet while feeding
- Extra pillows, or a nursing pillow
Bedding Supplies
- Two rubber backed waterproof pads
- Three crib or bassinet sheets
- Soft comforter
- Bassinet blankets, weight according to season
Toiletries and Medical Supplies for First couple of moths
- Mild laundry soap
- Petroleum Jelly
- Rectal thermometer
- Antiseptic for cord care
- Nasal aspirator
- Antibacterial ointment
- Cotton balls, cotton swabs
- Infant acetaminophen
- Vaporizer
- Penlight, tongue depressors
Nursery Equipment and Furnishings
- Bassinet or cradle
- Crib and accessories
- Co-sleeper
- Changing table or padded work area
- Changing table covers, two quilted mattress pads
- Rocking chair
- Storage chest for clothing
On the Go Accessories
- Baby sling for carrying baby
- Car seat
- Car seat cover
- Car seat head support
- Diaper bag
Packing for Birth
Clothing for Mother
- Two bathrobes
- Tow nightgowns
- Loose fitting clothes for going home
- Slippers or scuffs
- Two pairs of warm socks
- Two nursing bras
- Nursing gown
Labor saving devices
- Your favorite pillow
- Watch for timing contractions
- Music player
- Massage lotion
- Rubber ball for back rubs
- Favorite snacks
- Soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner
- Hairbrush, hairdryer
- Toothbrush, toothpaste
- Sanitary napkins
- Cosmetics
- Glasses or contacts
Homecoming Clothes for Baby
- One undershirt
- Socks or bootees
- Receiving blanket
- One sacque or gown
- Cap
- Heavy blanket
- Infant car seat
- Diapers for going home
- Video camera or regular camera
- Insurance forms
- Hospital preadmittance form
- Cell phone
- Address book
- Favorite book
- Favorite magazine
- Birthday gift