Perspectives History
Historical Perspectives Report - Historical Timeline.
9,000 Middle Stone Age
6,000 New Stone Age
5,000 (BC) - Beginning of Athapaskan migration (Americas)
5,000 years ago (BC) - China - There were Neolithic village settlements in several regions of China
5,000 years ago (BC) - Woven cloth (Mesopotamia and Egypt)
5,000 years ago (BC) - Copper working (Yugoslavia).
4,500 years ago (BC) - China - Long Shang culture in China
4,000 years ago (BC) - Greenland - High Arctic (Human Migration)
Fertile Crescent (Eden - Haran) -- 'crossroads', a city in northern Mesopotamia
Genesis (4000 +- 2166 BC)
4,000 (BC) Adam and Eve (Eden was a town on the Euphrates)
Cain, Abel, Seth
Enosh, Kenan, Jared, Mahelel, Enoch
Methuselah, Lamech
Inventions and Discoveries
3,500 years ago (BC) - Wheeled vehicles (Sumeria and Syria)
3,500 years ago (BC) - Potter’s Wheel (Middle East)
3,500 years ago (BC) - Gold mining (Mesopotamia and Africa)
3,500 years ago (BC) - Sundials (Middle East)
3,150 years ago (BC) - Irrigation (China and Egypt)
3,000 years ago (BC) - Ox drawn plow (Egypt)
Mesopotamia Civilization
3400 BC - The first written language that we know of was archaic cuneiform. It is believed to have appeared around 3400 BC
3,000 Bronze Age
3000 (BC) - Inupiat and Aleut migrations (America)
3000 years ago (BC) - Mesopotamia - Sumerians settle southern Mesopotamia - Tigris and Euphrates
2331 years ago (BC) – Sargon, Semitic chieftain conquers Sumer
2100 – Ziggurats built in Mesopotamia, ethyl alcohol discovered to alleviate pain
3rd millennia BC – Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian Civilizations
2nd millennia BC - Minoan Civilizations
Inventions and Discoveries
2780 years ago (BC) - Wheeled vehicles (Sumeria and Syria)
2700 years ago (BC) - Great pyramid of Cheops (Cheops)
2640 years ago (BC) - Silk production (China)
2500 years ago (BC) - Kite (China)
2500 years ago (BC) - Cotton production (China, India)
Japheth (Crete - Javan), Shem (Greece - Lud), Ham (West of Goshen and Sinai - Put)
Noah, Lapheth, Shem Ham (Before 3000 BC)
[Japheth][Ham][Shem] [Japhethites, Hamites, Semites] [Nephilim - Heroes of Old]
[Arphaxad] [Shem]
[Shelah] [Shem]
[Eber] [Shem]
[Peleg] [Shem]
[Reu] [Shem]
[Serug] [Shem]
[Nahor] [Shem]
Canaan (Haran-Canaan) 261 Years - 2166-1885(BC)
[9 gen] [Terah] [Abraham]
[Abraham - Ur]
Ur: Ur of Chaldees , City of Mesopotamia
[Job - Uz]
Uz: Adjacent to Midian
Historical Perspective - History (2000-1000 BC)
2205 -1570 years ago (BC) - Xia dynasty (Chinese Civilization)
2166-1885(BC) - Canaan (Haran-Canaan) 261 Years
2000 years ago (BC) - Abraham, Sarah Grouping
2000-1500 years ago (BC) - Jacob - 12 Tribes
1900 (BC) – Egyptians use irrigation to control floods
1885-1804 (BC) - Canaan-Egypt 81 Years
1700 (BC) – Egyptian papyrus documents describes medical and surgical procedures
1570 - 1045 years ago (BC) - Shang Dynasty (Chinese Civilization)
1552-1070 years ago (BC) – Akenaten and Nefertiti
1504 years ago (BC) - Pharaoh Thutmose II
1500 years ago (BC) – Sundials
1500 years ago (BC) - Madagascar (Human Migration) - Africa
1450 years ago (BC) - Moses - First Census
1445 years ago (BC) – Moses – Ten Commandments
1407 years ago (BC) - Moses, Second Census - Remember God, Principles for Godly living
1406 years ago (BC) Joshua
1400 years ago (BC) – First period of Chinese literature (Chinese Civilization)
1380 years ago (BC) – Palace of Knossos on island of Crete (Greek Civilization)
1375 years ago (BC) Judges
1370-1450 - Pharaoh Thutmose II
1379-1362 years ago (BC) – Pharaoh Akhenten (Amenophis IV)
1358 years ago (BC) – King Tutankhamen
1350 years ago (BC) - Phoenicians - 22 letter alphabet
1320-1070 years ago (BC) – Reign of Ramessides
1379-1047 years ago (BC) – Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV)
1300 years ago (BC) - Muscial notations (Ugarit, Syria)
Egyptian Civilization: Pharaohs - Kingdom - State Structure
Egyptian Civilization : Pyramids - 7 Wonders
1250 years ago (BC) – Silk fabrics (Chinese Civilization)
1200 years ago (BC) – First Chinese dictionary (Chinese Civilization)
1100 years ago (BC) – The Veda, sacred texts of the Hindus, are compiled
1000 (BC) - Leif Erickson sails to Newfoundland
1045-256 years ago (BC) - Zhou Dynasty (Chinese Civilization)
7 Ancient Wonders
Statue of Colossus
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Temple of Artemis
Statue of Zeus
Hanging Gardens
Historical Perspective - History (1000-0 BC)
1050 years ago (BC) (K) Saul
1004 years ago (BC) - Rule of David - Early Kingdoms
1000 years ago (BC) – City of Peking – mathematics root multiplication, geometry, proportions, and theory of motion
(K) David – 1000 years ago (BC)
(K) Solomon – 970-928 years ago (BC)
Temple completes – 959 years ago (BC)
959 years ago (BC) - Queen of Sheba visits Solomon Temple
Solomon’s Mines, Timna Valley, Edomites
Rule of Solomon - Early Kingdoms
(S) Rehoboam - Judah – 930 years ago (BC)
(N) Jeroboam – Israel – 930 years ago (BC)
(S) Ahaziah – 841 years ago (BC)
(N) Jehu – 841 years ago (BC)
(N) Joram – 852 years ago (BC)
(S) Jehoram – 853 years ago (BC)
(N Ahaziah – 853 years ago (BC)
(N) Ahab – King of Israel – 874 years ago (BC)
(S) Jehoshaphat – King of Judah – 872 years ago (BC)
Elijah – Prophet Begins ministry 875 years ago (BC)
850 years ago (BC) – Highly developed metal and stone sculptures - Africa
Elisha – Prophet (double portion of Elijah) Begins ministry – 848 years ago (BC)
Elisha the Prophet — The Healing of Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-27)
(S) Joash – 835 years ago (BC)
(N) Jehoahaz – 814 years ago (BC)
800 years ago (BC) – Chinese astronomers understand planetary movements
[794-1185 years ago (BC)] Classical age, known as the Heian period
Azariah – 792 years ago (BC)
Amaziah – 796 years ago (BC)
Jeroboam II – 793 years ago (BC)
Jonah – God’s message is salvation for all peoples – 793 years ago (BC)
(N) Jehoash – 798 years ago (BC)
[710-794 years ago (BC)] Nara, the first capital of Japan, which gave its name to the Nara period.
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Hanging Gardens of Babylon - 7 Wonders
776 years ago (BC) – First Olympic Games held in Greece
750 years ago (BC) - Greek - Democracy, Greek States
750 years ago (BC) – Homer epics the Illiad and the Odyssey
700 years ago (BC) - First aqueduct (Sennacherib)
648 years ago (BC) – Greece have horse racing in 33rd Olympic Games
620 and 564 (BC) -Aesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to AesopDescriptAesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop
Aesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop
604 years ago (BC) – Lao-tzu birth, founder of Taoism
600 years ago (BC) – Temple of Artemis built in Ephesus (7 wonders)
600 years ago (BC) – Japan established as a nation
587-586 years ago (BC) - Babylonians bring down Solomon’s temple
571 years ago (BC) - Prophet: Ezekiel
Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Job - Governor of Judah, rebuild wall
570 years ago (BC) - Geographical and Star charts - Anaximander of Miletus
563 years ago (BC) – Buddha, founder of Buddhism
560 years ago (BC) – Aesop's fables
551 years ago (BC) – Confucius, Chinese scholar
540 years ago (BC) – Mahavira, founder of the Jains
538 years ago (BC) - King Cyrus allows Jews to return to Jerusalem
534 years ago (BC) – Greek tragedy a form of drama
520 years ago (BC) – Public libraries open in Athens, Greece
520 years ago (BC) - Haggai ministered to Zerubbabel
520 years ago (BC)- Zechariah ministered to Zerubbabel
520 years ago (BC) - Zerubbabel - Led the first group of Jewish exiles back to Jerusalem from Babylon
500 (BC) - Height of Mayan culture (Mexico)
495 -429 years ago (BC) - Pericles , Athenian statesman
479 BC- Greek
469 years ago (BC) – Socrates, philosopher
460 years ago (BC) – Theory of atoms
457 years ago (BC) – Golden Age in Athens
450-388 (BC) - Aristophanes dramatist
443 years ago (BC) – Athenian power rule of Pericles
438 years ago (BC) - Colossus - 7 Wonders
430-404 years ago (BC) – Pelopponesian Wars
430 years ago (BC) - Concept of the atomic structure (Democritus)
420 years ago (BC) - Malachi ministered to the priests
400 years ago (BC) – Hippocrates – Hippocrates Oath
400 (BC) - Disease Theory - Hippocrates - Profession of Medicine
390 years ago (BC) – Aramaic begins to replace Hebrew as Jewish language
386-534 years ago (BC) - China Northern Wei dynasty
384-322 years ago (BC) – Aristotle, Greek philosopher
371 years ago (BC) – Thebes defeats Sparta at Lecutra
370 years ago (BC) - Plato write The Republic
300 years ago (BC) - Deductive System of Mathematics- Euclid
300 years ago (BC) - Abacus - China, Middle East
276-196 years ago (BC) – Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the earth (Current – 25,000)
260 years ago (BC) - Heliocentric theory - Aristarchus
255 years ago (BC) – Hebrew Old Testament translated into Greek and called the Septugint
250 years ago (BC) - Principles of the lever - Archimedes
221 - 206 years ago (BC) - Qin Dynasty
221 years ago (BC) - Shih Hwang- ti
200 years ago (BC) – The Bhagavad Gita, important Hindu text
206 - 220 years ago (BC) - China Han Dynasty
190 years ago (BC) - Ellipse and hyperbola - Apollonius
140 years ago (BC) - Trigonometry - Hipparchus
100 years ago (BC) - Stone bridge - Roman engineers, Tiber River, Rome
85 years ago (BC) - Seed planting machine (China)
57 years ago (BC)-935 AD – Silla
51 years ago (BC) – Cleopatra Egyptian ruler
40 years ago (BC) - Rotary winnowing machine (China)
37 years ago (BC) - 668 AD - Goguryeo
18 years ago (BC) - 660 AD - Baekje
255 years ago (BC) – Hebrew Old Testament translated into Greek and called the Septugint
Macedonia Philip II
336 (BC) - Alexander the Great at age 20 succeed the Macedonian throne
Fought Persia and shattered Persian power
334 (BC) Issus – Asia Minor battled Persians
Tyre – Persian naval force
Strato's Tower - cavalry
Gaza – Gateway to Egypt, reinforcements arrived from Egypt battled Batis the Persian commander
Tyre- army
323 (BC) - Babylon
326 (BC) - Hydaspes, India
After the death of Alexander the Great, his Macedonian generals took control of his vast conquest
320-301 (BC) – Eastern Mediterranean - Ptolemy I establish himself in Egypt
312 (BC) – Campaign of Antigonus and Demetrius occupied Asia Minor
301 (BC) - Seleucus received the province of Syria, Phoenicia, and Judea
219-217 (BC) – Campaign of Antiochus II
203-198 (BC) – Campaign of Antiochus III
270 (BC) – Tiber, Rome
264-241 (BC) – First Punic War
218-201 (BC) - Second Punic War with Carthage
192 (BC) – Hannibal of Carthage secured western Mediterranean
190 (BC) - Rising power of Rome
Rome (Italy)
Carthage - (Africa)
Sicily (Italy)
Sarinia (Italy)
Corsica (Italy)
Macedonian - Greece
Achaea - Greece
Pergamum, Asia Minor
Cyrene, Egypt
Antioch, Syria (Seleucid Civilization)
Aix-en-Provence (Gaul)
Vercellae (Italy)
Pontus (Asia Minor)
149-46 (BC) – Third Punic War at Carthage (Africa)
105 (BC) – African King Jugurtha
105 (BC) – General Marius Mules marched on Rom to avor the aristocratic Optimates
88 (BC) - King Mithradtes of Pontus
82 (BC) – Sulla was elected leader of Rome by the Senate
70 (BC) – Consul General Pompey associate of Sulla
Hasmonean Dynasty
167 (BC) – Seleucid ruler, Antiochus IV – looted the Temple
167-166 (BC) - Mattathias Hasmoneas triggered the Maccabean rebellion the the village of Modein (20 miles from Jerusalem)
165 years ago (BC) - Judas Maccabeus begins a revolt again Antiochus IV, because the Temple of Jerusalem was plundered
163 – Judas Maccabeus besieging Akra in Jerusalem in included 100,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry and 32, war elephants
161 – Bacchide set up a base at Berroth
156 – Jonathan youngest of Mattathias son had a well trained force establish at Bethbasi near the main north south route to Jerusalem
142 (BC) – Judea became politically independent
142 (BC) Simon (High Priest)
Joppa (Judea)
Gazara (Judea)
Jerusalem (Judea)
Qumran (Judea)
Kedron (Judea)
Dok (Judea)
134 (BC) John Hyrcanus I (High Priest)
Jamnia (Judea)
Azotus (Idumea – South of Judea)
Medeba (Judea)
Shechem (Samaria – North of Judea)
Samaria (Samaria)
121 (BC) - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Rome)
104 (BC) – King Aristobulus I
103 (BC) – King Alexander Janneus
Ptolemias (Galilee)
Gaza (Idumea)
Libba (Idumea)
Zoar (Idumea)
Pella (Samaria)
Hippus (Galilee)
Philoteria (Galilee)
Gimala (Galilee)
Masada (Idumea)
Machaerus (Idumea)
Hyracania (Judea)
67 (BC) – King Aristobulus II
[57 BC- 935 AD] Korean Three Kingdoms: Silla (South East)
40 (BC) – King Antigonus II
[37 BC - 668 AD] Korean Three Kingdoms: Goguryeo (Northern)
37 (BC) – King Herod
[18 BC - 660 AD] Korean Three Kingdoms: Baekje (South West)
Historical Perspective (1st and 10th Century)
The Early Church (0-100 ), (New Testament)
33 - Jesus Christ - Gospels and Disciples
Matthew – disciple, clarified for Jewish audience – Matthew (Levi), Mark 2:14
Mark – John Mark, wrote Mark, traveling companion
Luke – Luke, Acts (Doctor)
John – island of Patmos – John, Revelations
St. Peter (64 ) – pope - recognized leader of inner three – 1,2 Peter, Matthew 16:18
Thaddeus – disciple also known as Jude son of James, Matthew 10:3
James – disciple, inner 3: Peter and John, Mark 10:35-37
James – brother of Jesus, wrote James, Acts 1:13
Andrew- disciple brother of Peter, Matthew 4:18-20
Simon – Simon the Zealot, Zealous for Jewish Law – Acts 1:13
Bartholomew – disciple, Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew 10:2, John 2:27-28
Thomas – disciple, loyal and honest – Acts 1:13
Philip – 3 greatest missionaries pragmatic, sensible 2 Timothy 4:11
John the Baptist – tribe of Levi, Moses, Aaron, disciples went with Jesus
30 - Jesus and the cross
Beginnings of Christianity
32 - Apostles: Paul, Timothy, Barnabas, John, Mattais, Joseph (Justus), Stephen
Paul – Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
Ac 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth
Jesus commanded his disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they had been endued with the power from the Holy Spirit. First Jerusalem and from there, fanning out in every growing cities all the way to the ends of the earth. Barnabas and Paul were sent to take the gospel to cities in the remote parts of the earth. One of the cities is Ephesus. The disciples in Jerusalem , a small band of 12 men went from the synagogue to the temple of Artemis, facing a thriving metropolis, proponents for Christianity to the city and the region.
During Paul's visit he baptized 12 men and introduced them to the Holy Spirit. Two years later the entire city of Ephesus heard the gospel, resulting in multitudes of converts (Acts 19:11-20).
Thessalonians, Titus, Philemon
Timothy – 1, 2 Timothy
Barnabas – Hebrews: Paul, Luke, Barnabas, Philip, Apollo
50-62 - The epistles were written about Jesus and the early followers
Acts, Early Church, Holy Spirit
North of Jerusalem east of Mediterranean Sea (Samaria)
66 - 7 years ago – Zealots in Judea rebel against Rome
66-78 – St. Linus (pope)
68 years ago – Qumran community hid their library of Bible manuscripts in a cave by the Dead Sea (discovered in 1948)
70 to 73 years ago - Masada, an ancient Hebrew fortress built on a mountaintop located southeast of Jerusalem. The Jewish Zealots, who protested Roman rule over Judea, staged their last stand against the Romans at Masada
70-100 – First four books of the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are written
79 – St. Anacletus (Cletus)
80 - Magnetism (China)
90 - Jewish historian Flavius Josephus
91 – St. Clement I
100 - John the apostle – 1,2,3 John – John writes Revelations
100 – St. Evaristus
100 - Paper making (China)
109 – St. Alexander I
115 - Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus
116 – St. Sixtus I
125 – St. Telesphorus
135 CE - Jerusalem Rebuilt as a Roman City
136 – St. Hyginus
142 – St. Pius I
155 – St. Anitcetus
165 - Jews recapture Temple. Judas Maccabee’s family Hasmoneans established independent state for 80 years
166 – St. Soter
170 - Function of the arteries - Galen
174 – St. Eleutherius
180 - Rotary fan (China)
189 – St. Victor I
198 – St. Zephyrinus
200 – Ptolemy – Greek geographer
217 – St. Callistus
217 – St. Hippolytus
222 – St. Urban I
230 - Wheelbarrow - China
235 – St. Pontian
236 – St. Anterus
250 – St. Fabian
253 – St. Cornelius
258 – St. Lucius I
274 – St. Stephen I
258 – St. Sixtus II
268 – St. Dionysus
274 – St. Felix I
283 – St. Eutychian
296 – St. Gaius
300 – Aristotle – Earth is round (circumference 25,000, diameter 8,000)
Eric the Red begins settlement of Greenland
Greek - Democracy, Greek States - Pluto, Socrates
Greek Civilization - Colossus - 7 Wonders
304 – St. Marcellinus
306 – St. Marcellus I
310 – St. Eusebius
313 – Emperor Constantine gave Edit of Milan granting freedom of worship to Christians
314 – St. Miltiades
330 – Constantinople founded
335 – St. Silvester I
335 CE - Church of the Holy Sepulchre Built
336 – St. Mark
352 – St. Julius I
365 – St. Felix II
366 – St. Liberius
367 – St. Ursinus
379 - Italy - Rule of Emperor Theodius the Great
384 – St. Damasus I
391 - Italy - Christianity in Rome, Augustine, Christian Theology
399 – St. Siricius
400 – Christian Churches built in Rome, Jerusalem, Constantinople
401 – St. Anastasius I
410 - Fall of the Roman Empire
417 – St. Innocent I
418 – St. Zosimus
422 – St. Boniface
419 – St. Eulalius
432 – St. Celestine I
440 – St. Sixtus III
451 – Council of Chaceldon
461 – St. Leo I
468 – St. Hillary
476 - King of Italy Odovacar
476 - German prince Odoacer
476 - Goth invade West Rome
482 - Merovingian Frankish kings
483 – St. Simplicius
492 – St. Felix III
496 – St. Gelasius I
498 - Baptism of Clovis I
498 – St. Anastasius II
500 - Algebra - India
500 - Decimal System - India, Mesopotamia
5th century – Two Buddhist sects – Zen and Pure Land are established
514 – St. Symmachus
501 – St. Lawrence
507 – France conversion of Clovis to Catholicism
523 – St. Hormisdas
526 – St. John I
527 – Emperor Justinian, Romans rule of East and West
530 - St. Felix IV
532 – St. Boniface II
532 – St Sophia (City), Constantinople
530 – St. Dioscorus
535 – St. John II
536 – St. Agapitus I
537 – St. Silverius
550 - Water Mill - Greece
555 – St. Vigilius
560 – Irish missions to continent
561 – St. Pelagius I
563 – St Columba in Iona
568-774 - Lomboards in Italy
570-632 – Muhammad the prophet – whose teachings, recorded in the Koran, form the basis of Islam
574 – St. John III
579 – St. Benedict I
580 - Iron chain suspension bridge
590 – St. Pelagius II
597 – Roman mission to England
600 - Zero - India, Arabic
604 – St. Gregory I
606 – St. Sabinian
610-641 - Heraclius of Byzantium
615 – St. Boniface III
618 – St. Boniface IV
620 - Vikings in Ireland
625 – St. Deusdedit I
638 – St. Honorius I
640 – St. Severinus
640 - Windmill - Persia
642 – St. John IV
649 – St. Theodore I
650 - Earliest evidence of bow and arrow, flint hoes, and Northern flint corn in the Northeast (Americas)
661-750 - First caliph dynasty of Umayyads
668 - 935 - Unified Silla – Korean Southern Peninsula
698-926 - Balhae Kingdom – North Korea and Manchuria
698 – Lindisfarne Gospels
700 - Porcelain - Tang Dynasty
711 - Islamic conquest of Iberian Peninsula
717 – Emperor Leo II
751 - Carolingian in Germany
751 – King Pepin III becomes king of the Franks
751 - Reign of Charlemagne
756 - 1031 - Emirate of the Umayyads of Cordoba
772 – Saxon wars
774 – King Charlemagne become king of Italy
800 – King Charlemagne crowned emperor
817 – Benedict of Ariane reforms monasteries
842 - Division of Frankish
860 – Cyril and Methodius sent to Morvia
867 – Basil I, first of the Macedonian dynasty
886 - 24 hours measurement system - Alfred the Great
900 - Moldboard plow - China
907 - Tang dynasty in China
911 – Foundation of Cluny
932 - Printed woodblocks are developed in China
966 – Foundation of Poland
973 – Coronation of English King
980 - Canal locks - Caio Wei Yo
985 - Beowulf
989 – Vladimir of Kiev become Christian
995 – King Olaf of Norway
Historical Perspective (11st and 12th Century)
Christian Middle Ages
Jerusalem, Church of Holy Sepulcher
Sistine Chapel
England, Norway
1000 - Cultivation of tobacco in North America
1016 - Knut the Great
1046 – Synod of Sutri – beginning of reform in Roman church
1050 - Peak of Cahokia Culture (Americas - Illinois)
1054 – Catholic Pope Leo IX – splits and Roman Catholic Pope and Eastern Orthodox Pope – patriarch of Constantinople
1056 - Henry IV
1066 - William in England
1080 – Tower of London
1095 – First Crusade by Pope Urban II
1099 CE - First Crusaders Capture Jerusalem
1100 - Rocket - China
1115 – Foundation of Clairvaux
1130 – King Roger II of Sicily
1145 – Second Crusade
1150 - Paper Mill - Spain
1154 – King Stephen king of England (England and Wales)
1154 – King Henry II first Angevin king (Brittany, Ireland, and Scotland)
1171 - Saladin conquers Fatimid Egypt
1179 – Lateran Council III
1187 CE - Saladin Captures Jerusalem from Crusaders
1189 – Third Crusade King Richard I “Lion heart” recaptured coastal towns and forts
1194 – Chartres Cathedral built
1200 - High point of Mississippi and Anasazi cultures (Americas)
1209 – Franciscan order approved
1212 – King Frederick II of Sicily
1215 – England: Magna Carta - King John
1215 – Paris university receives first statues
1224-74 – Saint Thomas Aquinas, Italian philosopher and theologian
1226 – Louis IX
1228 - 6th Crusade in Jerusalem
1229-1244 CE - Crusaders Briefly Recapture Jerusalem Two Times
1248 – Crusade of 1248 led by Louis IX
1250 - Magnifying glass - Roger Bacon
1258 - Second caliph dynasty of the Abbasid
1260 - Gun and cannon- Konastantin Anklitzen
1264 - Simon de Montfort founds House of Commons in Parliament
1265 – Dante
1266 – Giotto
1269 - 360 compass - Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt
1270 - Gregorius Bar Hebraeus writes a history of the world
1271 - Marco Polo leaves for China to visit Kublai Khan
1280 - Belt driven spinning wheel - Hans Speyer
1285 - Eyeglasses - Alessandro de Spina
1287 - Nitric acid - Raymond Lully
1291 - Crusades end - Muslims reach Palestine
1295 - King Edward I summons First Representatives Parliament
Historical Perspective (13th, and 14th, Century)
Late Middle Ages, Kingdoms, Renaissance, Baroque (13th, 14th Century)
1300 - Athapaskan reach Southwest (Americas)
1304 – Petrarch
1309 – The Roman Catholic papacy is in Avigonon, France
1324 – Across the Sahara
1325 - Aztec city of Tenochititlan founded (Americas)
1326 - Metal cannon - Rinaldo Lully
1335 - Public striking clock - Palace Chapel in Italy
1336 - Japan Civil War
1337 - Hundred Year War between England and France
1360 - Mechanical clock - Henri de Vick
1375 - The Renaissance - A new view of humanity
1377 – Brunelleshchi
1378 – Schism begins
1386 – Donatello
1390 – Van Eyck
1400 - Dufay
1410 - Wire - Rodolph of Nuremberg
1415 – Council of Constance
1419 - Henry the Navigator begins a period of African explorations
1431 – Joan of Arc
1450 - Printing press with movable type - Johann Gutenberg, 1454 - The first printing press. Before only a few thousand handwritten texts existed across Europe. Inspired by the growing demand for lower cost books, Johannes Gutenberg, Gutenburg press
1453 - Hundred Year War ends
1455 - Cast iron pipe - Castle of Dillenburgh
Korea: Choson Dynasty
1446 - King Sejong modern Korean alphabet.
1451 - Founding of Iroquois Confederacy (Americas)
1452 – 1519 - Leonardo da Vinci's helicopter design
1453 - Ottoman Empire – Mehmed II Khan Gazi
1453 – Byzantine Empire - Muslims capture of Constantinople
Israeli Civilization - Jerusalem, Israel -The Dome of the Rock, the holiest Islamic shrine in Jerusalem, stands over the rock from which Muslims believe Muhammad rose to heaven. Jews believe the site to be where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. The shrine stands on the traditional location of the first Jewish temple, the Temple of Solomon. Israel
Israeli Civilization - Jewish diaspora during the Ottoman Empire - Foreign-born and native-born Israeli Jews trace their recent roots to more than 100 different countries, providing Israel with extremely diverse cultural influences. Jews with ancestry from the Middle East, North Africa, and the Mediterranean region
Israeli Civilization - Ashkenazim – Jewish from Central, Germany, and Eastern Europe
Israeli Civilization - Ashkenazic Jews immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union
Israeli Civilization - Sephardim – Spain
Samaria: North of Jerusalem east of Mediterranean Sea
1455 - England War of the Roses
1471 - Durer
1473 – Nicholas Copernicus was a Polish astronomer was a student in Italy worked on a heliocentric theory
1474 - Lunar nautical navigation - Regiomontanus
1489 - (+) and (-) sign in mathematics - Johann Widman
Central America and Mexico: Mesoamerica civilizations there are 77 tribes.
1486-1502 AD – Ahuitzotl (Aztecs of Mexico)
1480 -1520 AD - Montezuma (Aztecs of Mexico)
1480 – Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigated the globe
1482 - Portuguese colonize African Gold Coast
1483 – King Henry Tudor
1483 – Martin Luther, author of 95 Thesis
1483 - Leonardo’s invention,Armored Vehicle, Parachute, Ornithopter, Glider, Helicopter, Aeroplane
1488 - Bartholomew Diaz sails around Cape of Good Hope
1491 – Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order of Roman Catholic priests
1492 - Christopher Columbus was born in Italy, and commissioned from Spain to find America - Columbus Day: People from different parts of the world start to settle down and live together. (West Indies)
1493 - Drawing a flying machine - Leonardo Da Vinci
1497 - John Cabot explores east coast of North America
1498 – Vasco da Gama reaches India
South America: Mayan, Incas
Historical Perspective (15th and 16th Century)
Reformation - New World, Discovery, Exploration (15th, 16th Century) - Explorers
1500 - The Reformation Shatters Religious Unity
1500 - The Age of Exploration
1500 - Colonialism - Legacy of the Explorers
1500 - Portable clock - Peter Henlein
15th century – Renaissance jewelry
15th century – South America
15th century – Mexico large producers of gold
1500 - Pedro Cabral discovers Brazil
1502 - Columbus discovers Nicaragua
1505 - Portuguese travel to Mozambique
1507 - First world map of America is produced
1509 – John Calvin, leader of Protestants in France
1513 - Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida coast
1517 - Ottoman Empire Captures Jerusalem
1517 - Martin Luther's 95 Thesis
1519 - Magellan's expedition – circumnavigation
1519 - Hernan Cortes arrives in Mexico
1520 - Spirally grooved rifle barrel - August Kotter
1521 - The city-states of Yucatan were ruled by a hereditary Halach Uinic (Mayans)
1521 - Hernan Cortes travels to Mexico for Spain
1522 - Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the world
1525 - Portable shotgun - Marquis of Pescara
1526 - San Miguel de Guadalupe, first European settlement in South Carolina
1531 - Francisco Pizarro - Peru, South America (Incas)
1532 AD - Atahualpa (Incas)
1534 - King Henry VII founds Church of England
1534 - John Calvin begins Reformation
1535 - Jacques Cartier begins exploring the St Lawrence River
1538: Optic nerve: Constanzo Varolio
1539 - Hernando de Soto landed in Florida1540: Artificial limbs: Ambroise Pare
1535 - Heliocentric planetary model - Copernicus
1538 - Optic nerve - Constanzo Varolio
1540 - Artificial limbs - Ambroise Pare
1541 - Hernando De Soto discovers The Mississippi River
1540 - Francisco Coronado explored southwest north of Rio Grande, Hernando Alarcon reached the Colorado river, Garcia Cardenas reached the Grand Canyon
1545 - Council of Trent - Catholic Counter-Reformation
1545: Basic surgical principles: Surgery
1546-1601 – Tycho Brahe from Denmark used the teleoscope , made observations of the stars and palents. Made accurate prediction of planetary motion. Discovered a new star Cassiopeia
1547 - First Czar Ivan of Russia
1557 - Portuguese establish colony in Macao
1549 – The first Christian movement to Japan
1550 - Screwdriver, Wrench
1550 - Ligature to stop bleeding during surgery
1557 - Enamel - Bernard Palissy
1557 - Platinum - Julius Caesar Scaliger
1558 - Queen Elizabeth England
1561-1621 - Francis Bacon - British philosopher
1561 - Dredger - Peter Brueghel
1562- First French colony on Parris Island
1564-1642 – Galileo Galilei, lays the foundations of modern physical science. Gelilieo's experiments and observations model of the solar system. A candidate for a degree in medicine then mathematics, then the telescope. Updated the combination of lenses and made some telescops of his own to study the night sky. Galielio's early discoveries was the presence of some smal stars very close to Jupiter which were satellites of Jupiter. Galileo discovered that the planet Venus exhibited phases like the Moon.
1565 - Spanish found St Augustine, Spanish missions Catholicism in Florida
1565 - French Huguenot colony in Ft Caroline in Florida
1565 - Graphite pencil - Konrad Gesner
1569 - Screw cutting machine - Jacques Besson
1571-1630 – Johannes Kepler was Tycho successor made precise observations of planetary positions and was a Luthern minister, then a mathematican at University in Garz, Austria, work with Tycho in Prague in 1600. Published Kepler's Laws of planetary motion: 1. Each planet moves in an elliptical orbit about the Sun, with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse, 2. An imaginary line connecting the Sun with a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times as the planet move about the Sun, 3. The cube of the disctance from the Sun divided by the square of the time required to traverse the orbit is a constant, the same for every planet
1579 - Sir Francis Drake claimed San Francisco
1581 - Pendulum motion
1582: Jesuit Matte Ricci is the first missionary to be sent to China
1582: Julain Calendar -> Gregorian Calendar (Pope Gregory)
1584 - Sir Walter Raleigh establishes colony on Roanoke Island
1585 - Sir Walter Raleigh, first English colony on Roanoke Island, North Carolina
1587 - Second English colony Roanoke Island, Virginia
1588 – Sinking of the Spanish Armada by English Fleet
1590: Compound Microscope: Zacharias Jannsen
1592 - Ming sent its armies in support of Korea, seven-year war against Japan
1595 - Dutch colonize Guinea Coast
1597 - Proportional compass - Galileo Galilei
1599 - Silk knitting- Galileo Galilei
Historical Perspective (17th and 18th Century)
Age of Enlightenment / Encyclopedia / Age of Revolution (17th, 18th Century)
16th century - Renaissance jewelry
1600 - English East India Company
1600 - Wind driven land vehicle - Simon Stevin
1602 - Dutch East India Company
1603 - Tokugawa Period in Japan
1603 - Pantograph- Christoph Scheiner
[1603-1867] Tokugawa period country’s modern age
1604 - Russia begins settlements in Siberia
1605 – Man of La Mancha – Don Quixote – Migul de Cervants Saavedra's tale
1606 - William Jansz discovers Australia
1606 - Surveying chain - Edmund Gunter
1607 - Settlement of Jamestown, Virginia
1608 - Samuel Champlain founds Quebec
1609 - Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson River
1609 - Spanish found Santa Fe
1609 - Astronomical telescope - Galileo Galilei
1609 - Johannes Kepler
1610 - Hudson Bay discovered
1611: Double convex microscope: Johannes Kepler
1612, 1616: Thermometer: Santorio Santorio: Function of heart and complete circulation of blood
1614, 1616,Logarithms,John Napier
1615 - Solar powered motor - Salomon de Caux
1618 - Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants
1620 - The founding of America starts with Columbus and the pilgrims, 102 English Puritans
1620 - Mayflower sails to America
1620 - Pilgrims settle Plymouth
1620 - Pilgrims - English Puritans
1624 – George Fox, English founder of the Protestant Society of Friends of the Quakers
1625 - April 23, 1635, Boston Latin School was the first public school in what would become the United States was established in Boston, Massachusetts
1626 - Dutch found New Amsterdam (New York)
1637 - Russian explorers reach Pacific Coast of Siberia
1642 - French found Montreal in Canada
1642 - King Charles I - English Civil War
1642 – Isaac Newton grew up at a time when basic discoveries should have been a part of his college curriculum. A undergraduate at Cambridge his interests were in science and mathematics. Newton began inventing calculus as an undergraduate, and formulated ideas about optics and mechanics. He was one of the first scientists to use quantitative or mathematical arguments to test scientific ideas.
Newtons laws of motion: 1. Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by the action of some outside force. 2. The change of motion (acceleration) is proportional to the force acting on the body and inversely proportional to the mass of the body.
Newtons law of Gravitation: The gravitational force between two object is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. F=GM1M2/R2 where G is the gravitational constant 9.8 m/s2
1643 - King Louis XIV of France
Three Musketeers- Monsieur d'Artagnan ,
Athos – Comte de la Fère: he has never recovered from his marriage to Milady and seeks solace in wine. He becomes a father figure to d'Artagnan.
Aramis – René d'Herblay, a handsome young man who hesitates between his religious calling and his fondness for women and scheming.
Porthos – M. du Vallon: a dandy, fond of fashionable clothes and keen to make a fortune for himself. The least cerebral of the quartet, he compensates with his homeric strength of body and character.
D'Artagnan – Charles de Batz de Castelmore d'Artagnan: a young, foolhardy, brave and clever man seeking to become a musketeer in France.
1644-1911- Chinese Manchu Qing Dynasty
1649 – Terra Australis – European map of the world
1650 - Age of Enlightenment - Theater - The World as a Stage
1650 – Geographic generals – Bernhardus Varenius
1650: Lymph glands: Olaf Rudbeck
1652 - Dutch found settlement on Cape of Good Hope
1654 - Portuguese in charge of Brazil instead of Dutch
1655 - England in charge of Jamaica instead of Spain
1658: Red blood cells: Jan Swammerdam
1656 - Bank of Sweden
1661 - England in charge of Bombay in India
1664 - England in charge of New Amsterdam instead of Dutch
1666: Quinine: Vaccine
1667: Blood transfusion: Jean Baptiste Denis: France
1676 - Peter the Great of Russia
1681 - John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
1683: Bacteria: Spermatzoa: Anto van Leeuwenhoek
1683 – First museum of the 16 and 17th century in England
1686 - England establish Dominion in New England
1694 - Bank of England
1695: Epsom salt: Nehemiah Grew
1696 - Peter the Great of Russia leads modernization program
17th century - Renaissance jewelry
1703 – John Wesley, English founder of the Methodist Church
1704 - English in charge of Gibraltar instead of Spain
1722 - China - Taiwan and Mongolia
1723 - Benjamin Franklin’s Almanac
1723-1820 - American Legends: Frontiersman Daniel Boone
1733 - John Kay starts Industrial Revolution
1736: Scarlet fever: William Douglass
1737 – The Uffizi Gallery, Florence
1740: Curare (drug): Charles Marie de lacondamine
1747: Scurvy Cure: James Lind
1738: Excavation begins at Herculaneum nears Naples
1748 - Baron de Montesquieu - Spirit of Laws and separation of powers
1756: The Vatican Museum, Rome
1759 - England in charge of Quebec instead of France
1759: The British Museum, London
1760,Roller skates, Joseph Merlin
1763 - Peace of Paris gives Canada to England
1768 - James Cook Voyage of Discovery
The Democracy of the North American Natives - Iroquois help shape the Constitution
1773 - Boston Tea Party
1774 - First Continental Congress of American colonies held
1775-1783 - American Revolution - original 13 states - Independence Day
1775 - Jan Austen - British author
1776 - American Declaration of Independence - American Revolution
1776: Johann Daniel Titius and Johann Body made the Titius Bode rule: Determine why the planets have the spacing we observe
1780: Artificial insemination: Lazzaro Spallanzani
1781: Herschel's discovery of the Uranus added a planet to the solar system
1783: Balloon became the first aircraft to carry humans
1783-1815,Macadamized roads,John McAdams
1783 Catholicism in Korea: Yi Seung-hun was sent to Beijing where he was baptism and established the first Korean Catholic church. Christianity in Korea
1784: Bifocal lenses: Benjamin Franklin
1785: Digitalis: Vaccine
1788 - Constitution: The Founding Fathers helped form the government the Constitution and made one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all: Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches: National, State, and Local Government: Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence. President's Day
[1789-1797] President George Washington (VA)
1790 – Philadelphia stock exchange
1789, 1791 - French Revolution ending in 1799 - Democracy
1791 - US Bill of Rights takes effect
1792 - US Mint
1792 - Congress passed the first coinage act where gold (24.75 grains) and silver coins were minted
1792 - France is declared a republic
1793 – The Louvre Museum, Paris
1795 - Poland - ratified Europe's first democratic constitution
1796: Smallpox vaccine: Edward Jenner
[1797-1801] President John Adams (MA)
1799 – The Rosetta Stone – near the Egyptian city Rosetta
Historical Perspective (18th and 19th Century)
Continental America - Industrial Revolution/ Musical Romanticism (18th century, 19th Century)
18th century – Industrial mass production of jewelry
1800,Battery,Alessandro Volta
[1801-1809] President Thomas Jefferson (VA)
1801-1083,Railway Locomotive,Steam Road Carriage
1803 - Louisiana Purchase from France
[1804] Louisiana Purchase from France
[1804] Lewis and Clark Expedition
1804 – Haiti's Freedom
1805,Morphine,Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Serturner
[1809-1817] President James Madison (VA)
1810,Homeopathy,Samuel Hahnemann
1811 - Simon Bolivar frees part of South America from Spain
1812 - Napoleon in charge of Moscow
1812 - Abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass was born around 1818 in Talbot County, Maryland.
1814 - Napoleon goes to Elba
1815 - Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck, Prussia and German Prince
1816,Stethoscope,Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
1816 – Britain Gold Standard
[1817-1825] President James Monroe (VA)
1817 – New York stock exchange
1817,Parkinson's disease,James Parkinson
1817,Dental plate,Anthony Plantson
1819 – The Prado Museum, Madrid
1819,Dental amalgam,Charles Bell
1819 - US in charge of Florida ceded by Spain
1820,Diphteria,Pierre Fidele Bretonneau
1823 - Monroe Doctrine - less foreign entanglements in America
1823,Roller skates, Robert Tyers
1825 – The National Museum, Mexico City
1825,Binocular telescope,J.P Lemiere
[1825-1829] President John Quincy Adams (VA)
1828,Stethoscope with earpiece,Pierre Adolphe Poirry
[1829-1837] President Andrew Jackson (SC)
1830 - $1.5 millions in bonds
1830,Thermostat,Andrew Ure
1832 - Louisa May Alcott - America author
1834,Nervous reflex,Marshall Hall
1834,Refrigerator,Jacob Perkins
1836 - Battle of Alamo
[1837-1841] President Martin Van Buren (NY)
1837,Braille reading system,Louis Braille
1840: Several British and French inventors produced designs for engine-powered aircraft
[1841] President William Henry Harrison (VA)
[1841-1845] President John Tyler (NC)
1842 – New York curb exchange (later known as American Stock Exchange)
1842,Ether anesthesia, General anesthesia,Crawford Williamson Long
1843,Fax Machine, Alexander Bain & Giovanni Caselli
1844,Nitrous oxide anesthesia,Horace Wells and Gardner Q. Colton
[1845-1849] President James Polk (VA)
1845,Pneumatic Tire,Robert Thomson, John Dunlop
1845 - Texas: American Legends: The Wild West
1846,Sewing Machine,Elias Howe Jr
1846 – Painless Surgery, Dentst William Morton administered ether
1846,Use of anesthesia in surgery,William Morton
1847,Chloroform,Jacob Bell and James Young Simpson
[1849-1850] President Zachary Taylor (KY)
1848,Golf, Adam Paterson
1848 – California – Gold Rush - John Marshall
1848 - Marx and Engels
1848 - US in charge of California and New Mexico instead of Mexico
1849 - Discovery of gold in California
1849,Safety Pin,Walter Hunt
1849,Buoying Vessels,Abraham Lincoln
1849,Glider,George Cayley
[1850-1853] President Millard Fillmore (NY)
1850,Germ Theory
1850 - The Underground Tunnel help 100,000 people
[1850] California: American Legends: The Gold Rush: Immigration Wave
1850 – South America large producers of gold
1850 - Mexico large producers of gold
1850 - California: American Legends: The Gold Rush: Immigration Wave
1851 – Australia Gold Rush
1852 – The Hermitage, Leningrad
[1853-1857] President Franklin Pierce (NH)
1853,Hypodermic syringe,Charles Gabriel Pravaz and Alexander Wood
1855 – The Smithsonian Institute, Washginton, D.C
1855,Can Opener,Robert Yeates
1855,Spinal anestesia,J.L Corning
[1857-1861] President James Buchanan (PA)
1859 – Charles Darwin, English naturliast for Origin of Species
1859 – Comstock Lode – Sierra, Nevada
1860 - Light Bulb, Joseph Wilson Swan
1860 – Rocky Mountains – Gold Rush
[1861-1869] President Abraham Lincoln (KY) - First term completed
1861,Speech center of brain,Pierre Paul Broca
1863 - Emancipation Proclamation - Lawmakers pass 13th Amendment
The US and Kentucky defends the Emancipation Proclamation
VA helps Harriet Tubman, VA original 13 colonies
1863 - National Bank Act authorized banks could issue bank notes backed by government bonds
1863,Roller skates, Leonard Plimpton
1865 - Continental America: Union of North and South States (End of Civil War)
1865 - Civil War ends
1865,Genetics,Gregor Johann Mendel
1867, Typewriter,Carlos Glidden
1867,Antiseptic practices in hospitals,Joseph Lister
[1868-1912] Meji Period - League of Nations - Allies
1868,Life Signals,Frank Vester
1868 - Japan begins modernization
1869 - Suez Canal
[1869-1877] President Andrew Johnson (NC) - Lincoln’s second term
Nations News: Great Martyr Chief,
Walt Whitman a cement to the whole people, subtler, more underlying, than anything in written constitution, or courts or armies
1867 - President Andrew Johnson signed legislation creating the first Department of Education
1869 – Mohandas Gandhi, Indian spiritual leader achieved independence from Britain
1870 – The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
1870 - Japan machine made round coins
1870,Antiseptic surgery,Surgery
1870 – Schleimann starts digging at Troy
1870 - Franco Prussian War
1871 – The American Museum of Natural History, New York
1868-73, James Denmore (QWERTY keyboard)
1871,Pinball,Henry Davidson
1872,Grocery Bag,Luther Crowell
1873 – US Gold Standard
1873,Barbed wire,Joseph Glidden
1875 - Lawmakers agree to passed Civil Rights Act of 1875
1875,Telephone,Alexander Graham Bell
1876,Air brake,George Westinghouse
1876 - Treaty of Kanghwa with Korea in , declared Korea unilaterally independent
1876- Centennial (100 years)
[1877-1881] President Ulysses Grant (OH)
1877,Phonograph,Thomas Edison
1877,Liquid oxygen,Louis Paul Cailletet and Raoul Picket
1879 - Light Bulb, Thomas Edison
1879,Cash Register,James Ritty
1879 – Prehistoric cave art found in Altamira, Spain
1880 – Modern Art, Mont Sainte Victoire
1880,Hearing aid,R. G Rhodes
1880, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz in Germany begin separately to manufacture cars
[1881] President Rutherford Hayes (OH)
[1881-1885] President Chester Alan Arthur (VT)
1882 - The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed by the 1943 Magnuson Act
1882,Tuberculosis and cholera germs,Robert Koch
1882,Electric Iron,Henry Seely
1883 - Germans introduce health insurance
1884 -Protestantism in Korea: Horace Allen, Horace G. Underwood, an American Presbyterian missionary and a Methodist Episcopal, Henry G. Appenzeller from the United States.
1884,Local anesthesia,K Koller
[1885-89] President Stephen Grover Cleveland (NJ)
[1885] Washington Monument
[1885] The Statue of Liberty arrived at its permanent home on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor on June 19, 1885, as a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States
1885,Dishwasher,Josephine Garis
1885,Pinball,Willam Smith
1886 – South Africa Gold Rush
1887,AC induction motor,Nikola Tesla
1887,Electro cardiogram,Augustus Desire Walker
1887,Contact lenses,Eugen A. Frick
1888, Ballpoint Pen,John Loud
1888,Roll Film Camera,George Eastman (Kodak)
[1889-1893] President Benjamin Harrison (OH)
1889 - 1890] Six states were added: North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming
1889 - China machine made round coins
1891 – The Museum of Fine Arts, Vienna
1891 - Production of a successful glider
1891,Bottle Cap,William Painter
1891,Diptheria antitoxin,Emil Adolf van Behring and Shibasaburo Kitsato
1892,Cholera vaccine,Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine
1893,Magic eye - photoelectric cell,Julius Elster & Hans Geitel
1894 - Sun Yat end Machu Dynasty in China
1895,X rays,Wilhelm Konrad von Roetgen
1894-1895 - China (Sino)-Japanese war, Treaty of Shimonoseki, concluded on April 17, 1895, China was forced to acknowledge the complete independence of Korea; to cede the island of Taiwan, the Penghu Islands, and the Liaodong Peninsula in northeastern China to Japan
1895 - First Films exhibited
1895,Breakfast Cereal,John Kellogg & Will Kellogg
1896 – Canada Gold Rush
1896 - Summer Olympics: Athens, Greece
[1897-1901] President William McKinley (OH)
1897,Cause of malaria (mosquito),Ronald Ross
1897,Digestion physiology,Ivan Petrovic Pavlov
1898,Vitamin deficiency diseases,Christian Eijkman
1898 - US in charge of Cuba instead of Spain
1898 - US in charge of Hawaiian islands
Historical Perspective (20st and 21st Century)
The Mechanical Age, The Digital Age, Modern Age (20th Century)
19th century – Industrial mass production of jewelry, Gold can be commonly found in jewelry stores for wedding rings
19th century – Appalachian and Rocky Mountains – Gold Rush
1900 – Gold Standard – affirmed the gold dollar as the standard unit of value
1900 – Paris Goldsmith Art’s
1900 - China Boxer Rebellion
1900:Radio:Guglielmo Marconi
1900 - Supper Olympics: Paris, France
[1901-1909] President Theodore Roosevelt (NY)
1901:Blood groups,Karl Landsteiner
1901:Paper Clip,John Vaaler
1902 - Marian Anderson - America contralto
1902 by Francis E. Stanley and Freelan O. Stanley cars operated by steam engine
1902: Submarine,Cornelius Drebbel, John Holland
1902: Wake up Devices,Frank Clarke
1902: Hormones: William Maddock Bayliss and Ernest H. Starling
1903 - Panama secedes from Colombia
1903 : Wilbur and Orville Wright the first powered, sustained, and controlled flight aircraft
[1904] Summer Olympics: St Louis, MO
1904 - Lawerence Appley - American businessman
1904 - Tea Bag: Thomas Sullivan
1904 - Summer Olympics: St Louis, MO, US
1904 - President Sygman Rhee graduated from George Washington University, Harvard, and Princeton University a bridge between the Joseon Dynasty and Modern Day Korea.
1904 - Russian-Japanese war - Against the Russo-Japanese Treaty 1899 with regard to Korea and Korean Japan Treaty 1904 regarding colonization
1904: Air Conditioning: Willis Carrier
1904: Mayan well discovered in Mexico
1905: Albert Einstein: patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, when he developed the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905. Einstein famous equation: E=mc2 (c=300,000 km/s). Physicits were required to identify a reaction in the Sun that might transform mass into energy. Careful labortaory measurements, found that the nucleus of the helium atom, can be thought of as four hydrogen atoms combined has only 99.28% of the mass of the sume of four hydrogen atoms
1905 - Korean Resistance for Independence from Japan
[1906] Theodore Roosevelt – Nobel Peace Prize
1906 - Summer Olympics: Athens, Greece
1906 - Persian Parliament
1906: ECG
1906 - Theodore Roosevelt – Nobel Peace Prize
1907 – Invention of Plastics – Leo Baekeland
1907 - Thousands of Koreans gave their lives to Christ during the revival in Pyongyang
1907: Cutlery: Elmer Walter
1908: Henry Ford when he introduced the Model T
1908 - Summer Olympics: London, England
[1909-1913] President William Taft (OH)
1909 - Du Bois co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.
1909: IUD (intrauterine device),R. Richter
1909: Typhus fever body louse,Charles Jules Henri Nicolle
1909 - England introduce pensions
1909 - Assembly line in Detroit
1910 - Completion of the first Korean Bible
1910 - The United States moved westward - Immigration Wave
1910 - Mexican Revolution
1910: Tumor virus, Rancis Peyton Rous
1910: Gene theory of heredity: Thomas Morgan
1911: Salvarsan:
1911 – Alaska Klondike and Yukon
1911 - Ontario
1912 - Summer Olympics: Stockholm, Sweden
1912- Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona in the contiguous United States, all of which had joined the Union
1912: Diffraction of X-rays,Max Theodore Felix von Laue
1912: Thiamine (vitamin B1): Casimir Funk
1913: Igor Sikorsky: he built the first four-engine airplane, 1929 United Aircraft Corporation, 1939: Igor Sikorsky produced the first successful helicopter
1913 - Federal Reserve Act
1913: Crossword Puzzle: Arthur Wynne
1913: Zipper / Velcro: Gideon Sunback, Whitcomb Judson
1913: Vitamin A: Thomas Osborne, L. Mendel, Elmer, M. Davis
1914 - Federal Reserve System
1914 - WWI - League of Nations
1914 - Panama Canals open
1914 - Child Labor Laws - Keating Owens Act
1917 - British Capture Jerusalem in World War I
1917 - US Allies - US joins Allies in Europe
1917 - Communist Revolution - Lenin and Bolsheviks in charge of Russia
1918: Tea Bag: Benjamin Hirschorn
1918: Vitamin D: Edward Mellanby
1919 - March 1st Independence Movement - appeal to League of Nations
1919: Tea Bag: Joseph Krieger
1919 - Gandhi passive resistance in India
1920 - League of Nations - 14 Points - 48 countries had joined
1920 - Ireland Civil War
1920 - Prohibition on alcoholic beverages
1920 - US banks gave gold to citizens
1920 - Summer Olympics: Antwerp, Belgium
1920 - Jordan and Iraq
1920: Handheld computer: Hamilton Beach
1920: Jubilee Cup - hose clip: Lumley Robinson
[1921-1923] President Warren Harding (OH)
1921: Insulin: Frederick Banting and Charles Best
1922 - Ireland Independent Republic
1922 - USSR established
1922 - Food Processor: Stephen Poplawki
1922: Vitamin E: Herbet Evans
1922: King Tutankhamen's tomb opened in Egypt
[1923-1929] President Calvin Coolidge (VT)
1923-1924: Television: John Baird, Vladimir Zworykin
1923 - National Socialist Party in Germany
1923 - Turkey becomes a republic
1924 - Summer Olympics: Paris, France, Winter Olympics: Chamonix, France
1924 – Japan Hanataro Nagaoka synthesis gold from mercury
1924 – First mutual fund – Massachusetts Investor Trust
1925: The Deutsches Museum, Munich
1926 - Inflation averaged 4%
1926: Aerosol Can: Erik Rotheim
1926: Chainsaw: Adreas Stihl
1927 - China civil war - purge communist
1927: Iron Lung: Philip Drinker and Louis Shaw
1927: Sex hormones: Bernhard Zondek and Selmar Ascheim
1928: Vitamin C: Albert von Nagyrapolt
1928: Geiger Counter: Hans Geiger & Walther Muller
1928 - WWI - League of Nations
1928 - Summer Olympics: Amsterdam: Netherlands, Winter Olympics: St Moritz, Switzerland
1928-35: Sliced Bread: Otto Frederick Rohwedder
1929 – The Museum of Modern Art, New York
[1929-1933] President Herbert Hoover (IA)
1929 – Great Depression: 12.8%, 14 billion
1929: Licorice: George Bassett
1929: Chainsaw: Emil Lerp
1929: Electron microscope: Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska
1929: Brain wave electroencephalograph: Hans Berger
1929 - Jews and Arabs in Palestine
1930: Pinball: David Gottlieb
1930: Jet Engine: Frank Wittle
1930-1958: Rolodex: Arnold Neustadter
1931 - British Commonwealth
1931: Blood bank: Sergei Sergeivitch
1931 – (Worst Year) Small Company stocks – -43.3%: Large company -58% (1937)
1932 - Summer Olympics: Los Angeles, CA, US, Winter Olympics: Lake Placid, NY, US
1932: Anglepoise Lamp,George Carwardine
1932 - Jan Ashford - American business women
1932: TEM: Defibrillator: William Bennet Kouwenhoven
1933: The Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago
[1933-1945] President Franklin Roosevelt (NY)
1933 - Banking Act - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
1933 - Federal Securities Act
1933 – Gold Bullion Standard: gold coins circulated in the US
1933 – (Best Year) Small Company stocks – 142.9%, Large company stocks (54%)
1933: Polythene,Eric Fawcett, Reginald Gibson
1933: Riboflavin (vitamin B2): Panthothenic acid: Richard Kuhn, Roger Williams
1934 - Mao Tse Tung long March in China
1934: Vitamin K: Vitamin B6: Carl Peter Henrik Dam and Edward Doisy
1934 – Gold Reserve Act
1934 - Silver Purchase Act
1934 – Securities Exchange Commission
1934 - US banks gave gold to US Treasury at Fort Knox
1934: Lego,Ole Kirk
1934: Cats eyes - reflecting road studs, Percy Shaw
1935 - John Keyes publish concept of government role in the economy
1935: Electronic hearing aid: Edwin Steven
1935: Sulfonamides
1935: Parking meter: Carlton Magee
1935: Radar: Robert Watson-Watt
1935: Monopoly: Charles Darrow
1935 - Banking Act of
1935 - Banking Act of 1935 - centralized power in a Board of Governors, appointed by the president
1935 - centralized power in a Board of Governors, appointed by the president
1935 – Gold $35 per ounce
1936 - Spanish Civil War - General Franco
1936 - Summer Olympics: Berlin, Germany, Winter Olympics: Garmish, Germany, US
1937 - China (Sino)-Japanese war
1937: 1938: Instant Coffee: Max Mortgenthaler, Nestle
1937: Niacin: Conrad Elvehjem
1938: Photocopier: Chester Carlson
1938: Mouse Trap: James Atkinson
1938 - Turkey Republic
1938: A cardiac Catherization:
1938: Folic acid: P.L Day
1939: Nonstick Pan: Roy Plunkett, Marc Gregoire
[1939-1945] Japan Meji Restoration: Imperial Expansion – Axis
1940 - Dick Armey - American statesman
1941: The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
1941 - Japan and Pearl Harbour
1941 - US joins Allies to fight Axis
1941 – US achieved the same result of gold synthesis
1942: Vitamin H (biotin): Vincent du Vigneaud
1943: Allies: Sicily, Italians
1943: Russia at Stalingrad win
1943 - Detroit and Los Angeles riots
1944: Tetra Pak: Ruben Rausing
1944 - Allies liberate: Normandy, Rome, Paris, Brussels
1944 - US forced defeat Japanese navy
1945 - Yalta Conference- World War II ends
1945 – Elvis Presley – Rocking the World
[1945-1953] President Harry Truman (MO)
1945-1949 - Chinese Civil War (PRC and Taiwan)
1945: Artificial kidney: Kidney dialysis machine: Willem Kolff
1945: Microwave Oven: Percy Spencer
1946 - League of Nations replaces by United Nations
1946: UN Secretary General Trygve Lie (Norway)
1946: Disposable Diaper: Marion Donovan
1947 - Cold War
1947 – WWII - Establishment of IMF: gold exchange standard: change currencies to gold via us dollar: headquarters in DC
1947 - Marshall Plan aids European recovery
1947 - Separate Jewish and Arab States
1947 - India and Pakistan independent states
1947 - India and Pakistan Independence
1947: Tupperware: Earl Tupper
1947: Transistor: Willam Shockely, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain
1947: Coenzyme A: Fritz Lipman
1947: Vitamin B12 for anemia: Karl A Folkers
1947: Dead Sea Scrolls fill in gaps in biblical history
1948: Independent Israel Jewish state declared
1949: (Israel) President Chaim Weizmann
1948: (Israel) Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion
(Israel) Prime Minister Itzhak Ben-Zvi
1948: Polaroid Camera: Edwin Land
1948 - UN Human Rights - Declaration of Human Rights
1948- The establishment of Republic of Korea (Two Koreas)
1948 - Summer Olympics: London, England, Winter Olympics: St. Moritaz, Switzerland
1948: Computer and Mouse: Freddie Williams and Thomas Kilburn
1939-1945 - WWII - United Nations
[1947-1955] Modern Day Japan: Democracy
1949: Bar code: Barndard Silver and Norman Woodland
1950 – Food Processor: Ken Wood
1950: Chlorpromaine (tranquilizer): Paul Charpentier
1950 - General Douglas MacArthur - 5 Star General led the Allied forces in the Southwest Pacific during World War II,
1951 - China in charge of Tibet
1951: Oral contraceptive pill: Gregory Pincus: Min Chang, John Rock, and Carl Djerassi
1951: Coronary artery bypass
1952: Artificial heart valve: Charles Hufnagel
1952: Russia: First artificial satellite Sputnik 1 (10/4/1957)
1952 - India Prime Minister: Jawaharal Nehru
1952 - Summer Olympics: Helsinki, Finland, Winter Olympics: Oslo, Norway
1953: UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold (Sweden)
1953 - Vietnamese fight Laos
[1953-1961] President Dwight Eisenhower (TX)
1953 – American Stock Exchange
1953: DNA: Francis Crick and James Watson
1950-53 - Korean War: cease fire agreement - After the war was in charge of the occupation of Japan. When North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950, starting the Korean War, he was designated commander of the United Nations forces defending South Korea. He fought to the Korean border, but came to a ceased agreement with China for the DMZ
Army Doctors: Mash 4077
1954 - SEATO - South East Asian Treaty Organization formed
1954 - French Algerian at War
1955 - Warsaw Pact - European communist states
1955 - Argentine President Juan Peron
1955: Hovercraft: Christopher Cockerell
1955: RNA: Severo Ochoa
1955: Polio vaccine: Jonas Salk
1955: Ultra sound: Leskell
1955: Kidney transplant
1956: Israel and Egypt fight
[1955-1970] Japan Social: economic, urbanization growth
1956: Amniocentesis: St. Mary's Hospital
1956: Human growth hormone: Choh Hao Li
1956: Plastic contact lens: Norman Bier
1956 - Summer Olympics: Melbourne, Australia, Winter Olympics: Cortina, Italy
1957: Polio vaccine (live): Albert Sabin
1957: Fiber optic Endoscopy:
1957: Artificial heart pacemaker: Clarence Lillehie
1957: USSR: Sputnik 2: Laika
1958: United Arab Republic States: Egypt, Syria, Yemen
1958: USA: Explorer 1: Discovered the Van Allen Belts
1958: Flight data recorder: David Warren
1959 - United States of America: Alaska, Hawaii
1959: USSR: Luna 2: First spacecraft to reach the Moon
1959: USSR: Luna 3: First circumnavigation of Moon
1959 – DJIA 584 high
1959: Microchip: Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce
1959: Librium
1959: Fidel Castro becomes Cuba premier
1960: Africa gains independence
1960 - Summer Olympics: Rome, Italy, Winter Olympics: Squaw Valley, CA, US
1960 - Martin Luther King Jr.: 1963 Speech Civil Rights where the integration of schools provided equal rights for all
1960 - After the formation of the Korean government: in the 1960's the people demonstrated for a change from a national government to a more democratic government. Student groups formed on different issues one being the unification of North and South.
1960 - Bank Merger Act
1960 - 8 US Banks had foreign offices
[1961-1963] President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (MA)
1961: UN Secretary General U Thant (Burma/Myanmar)
1961: Bay of Pigs (Cuba Missile Crisis)
1961: US send military advisors to Vietnam
1962 – Second Roman Catholic council changes made to liturgy
1962: USA: Mariner 2: First interplanetary mission – Venus flyby
1962: USSR: Ranger 7: Impact with the Moon
1962 - Algeria independence from France
1962: Nethalide
[1963-1969] President Lyndon Baines Johnson (TX)
1963: US, Great Britain, Russia sign nuclear test ban treaty
1963: Kevlar,Stephanie Kwolek, Paul Morgan
1963: Action Figures,Stan Weston (Hasbro)
1963 to 1965: Israeli archaeologist Yigael Yadin excavated Masada, an ancient Hebrew fortress built on a mountaintop located southeast of Jerusalem. The Jewish Zealots, who protested Roman rule over Judea, staged their last stand against the Romans at Masada from ad 70 to 73.
1964: USA: Mariner 4: First close up pictures of Mars
1964: USA: Mariner 5: Venus flyby
1964 - Congress enacted amendments to federal securities laws for regulation and investor protection
1964: Laser eye surgery: H Vernon Ingram
1964: Lava Lamp: Craven Walker
[1964] - Summer Olympics: Tokyo, Japan, Winter Olympics: Innsbruck, Austria
1965: US Marines sent to Vietnam
1965: Venera 3: First spacecraft to land on another planet Venus
1965: Rubella vaccine: Pal Parkman and Harry Meyer
1965: Jet ski: Clayton Jacobson II
1965: Wine Box: Thomas Angove
1965 - Cultural Revolution China
1965: Ring Pull,Ermal Fraze
1966: USSR: Luna 9: First successful lunar soft landing
1966: USSR: Luna 10: First spacecraft in lunar orbit
1966: USA: Surveyor 1: First US soft landing on the Moon
1966: USA: Lunar Orbiter 1: First lunar orbiting survey vehicle
1966 – Alaska gold - $250 million in gold
1966 - Cultural Revolution: Little Red Book
1966 – Dow Jones reaches 100
1967: USSR: Venera 4: Frist data back from inside atmosphere of Venus
1967 - Israel Victory - Six Day War
1967: Heart transplant
1967: Computer and Mouse: Douglas Engelbart
1968: Martin Luther King Jr
1968: Workbench: Ron Hickman
1968: Hemoglobin molecule structure: Max Perutz
1968 - Summer Olympics: Mexico City: Mexico, Winter Olympics: Grenoble, France
1968 - Intel: Andy Grove, Noyce, George Moore
1968: North Korea seizes US Navy ship Pueblo
1969 - AMD: Jeremiah Jerry Sander
1969: (Israel) Prime Minister Golda Meir
[1969-1974] President Richard Nixon (CA)
1969: USA: Mariner 6: Mars flyby, first high resolution images from Mars
1969 - Credit Control Act: consumer credit
1969 - Moon - Space Age and UN
1969: Post it note: Spencer Silver
1969: Anti body chemical and molecular structure: Rodney Porter
1970 - The non proliferation treaty entered into force in 1970.
1970: USSR: Venera 7: First data back from surface of Venus
1970: USSR: Luna 16: Soft landing on Moon with return of samples to Earth
1970 – Pension programs
1971 - China replaces Taiwan in United Nations
1971: USSR: Mars 2: Mars orbiter and landers, only orbiter successful
1971: USA: Mariner 9: Mars orbiter, first global mapping of planet
1971 – Suspend convertibility of dollars into gold
1971 – Food Processor: Pierre Verdun
1971 – Housing issue bonds 5.8%
1972: Pioneer 10: First Jupiter flyby
1972: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim (Austria)
1972: Great Britain in charge of Northern Ireland
1972: Venera 8: First chemical analysis of Venus
1972 – Gold $48 per ounce
1972 - South-North Coordinating Committee
[1972] - Japan Regained Ryukyu Islands
1972 - Summer Olympics: Munich, Germany, Winter Olympics: Sapporo, Japan
1972: Artificial hip: John Charnley
1972: Enkephalin (brain chemical): John Hughes
1972: CD/DVD: Philips
1973: Chile military coup overthrows communism
1973: Vietnam peace treaties
1973: USA: Pioneer 11: Second Jupiter flyby and first Saturn flyby
1973: USA: Mariner 10: First flyby of Mercury, obtained Venus data en route
1973: Bar code scanner: IBM
1973 - Vietnam War - ceasefire
1973: CT Scanner: Allan Cormack and Godfrey N Hounsfield
1973: Rocombinant DNA: Paul Berg
1974: (Israel) Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
1974 – Army of clay soldiers unearthed in China
1974 – Allow private ownership of gold
1974 – Bear market: lost 37%
1974: Post it note: Arthur Fry
1975: Vietnam War ends with Saigon
1975: Cambodia and communism
1975: USSR: Venera 9: Data from surface of Venus and from orbiter
1975: USSR: Venera 10: Data from surface of Venus and from orbiter
1975: USA: Viking 1: First soft landing on Mars, also Mars orbiter
1975: USA: Viking 2: Second soft landing on Mars, also Mars orbiter
1975: Monoclonal antibodies: Cesar Milstein
1976 - American Bicentennial (200 years)
1976 - Summer Olympics: Montreal, Canada, Winter Olympics: Innsbruck, Austria
1976 – Stocks returned 14.6% until 1980
1976: Coronary angioplasty
1976: 1893-1976 - Mao Zedong and People Liberation Army and People Republic of China in Tiananmen Square
1977: (Israel) Prime Minister Menachem Begin
[1977-1981] President James Carter (GA)
1977 - Human Rights - President Jimmy Carter
1977: USA: Voyager 1: Flybys of Jupiter, Saturn , Titan
1977: USA: Voyager 2: Grand your flybys of Jupiter, Saturn , Uranus, Neptune
1971 - NASDAQ established
1978: USA: Pioneer Venus Orbiter: First radar mapping of Venus from orbit
1978: USA: Pioneer Venus Probe Carrier: Atmospheric composition, radiation balance, cloud particle characteristics from four entry probes
1978: USSR: Venera 11: Atmospheric and cloud composition of Venus, surface studies
1978: USSR: Venera 12: Atmospheric and cloud composition of Venus, surface studies
1978 – IMF no major currency was redeemable in gold, world currencies
1978: Dual Cyclone Cleaner: James Dyson
1978: Ballpoint Pen: Gillette
1978: Human insulin: Genetech
1978: Test tube baby: Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards
1979 - Deng Xiaoping: Mao protege
1979: Single cell protein process: ICI Agriculture
1979: Shock wave lithotripsy
1979 - Anti-nuclear protest at Harrisburg in 1979, following the Three Mile Island Accident. Washington, D.C., when 125,000 people
1979 - China controversial one-child policy. Premier Deng Xiaoping (1973)
1980 - Federal Reserve redefined money supply: M1, M2, M3, L
1980 – Bull market, inflation averaged 14%
1980 – Cd’s offered double digit returns 11%
1980 - Digital Age
1980,CD/DVD,Philips and Sony
1980 - (Jerusalem Zion, Israel) Old City of David in, Yigal Shiloh uncovered an Iron Age palace of the 10th century (BC), a major building of the era of David and Solomon (Near city of David, Solomon Temple)
[1980] - Japan Economic Bubble - Growth
1980 - Summer Olympics: Moscow, Russia, Winter Olympics: Lake Placid, NY, US
[1980] China opened up and westerners were able to see the past 30 years progress.
[1981-1989] President Ronald Reagan (IL)
1981: USSR: Venera 13: Venus atmosphere and surface studies: detection of lightning discharges
1981: USSR : Venera 14: Venus atmosphere and surface studies: detection of lightning discharges
1981: MRI Scanner: Thorn EMI Research
1981: AIDS: CDC
1981: Hep B immunization (HBV)
1982: UN Secretary Javier Perez de Cuellar (Peru)
1982: Stumps cam: Matthew Allwork
1982: Cancer genes: Robert Weinberg and Mario Barbacid
1982 - Equal Rights Amendments dies
1982 - one million people demonstrated in New York City's Central Park against nuclear weapons and for an end to the cold war arms race
1982: Artificial heart: Robert Jarvik
1983: USSR: Venera 15: Orbiting radar mapping of Venus surface topography
1983: USSR: Venera 16: Orbiting radar mapping of Venus surface topography
1984: USSR: VEGA 1: Venus flyby, descent probe landing, balloon deployment
1984: USSR: VEGA 2: Closest to Halley nucleus, imaging
1984: Tennis: Walter Wingfield
1984 - Summer Olympics: Los Angeles, US, Winter Olympics: Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
1984: Gene cloning: NIH
1984: Isolation of AIDS: Robert Gallo
1984: Human insulin
1985: ESA: Giotto: Closest approach to Halley nucleus, imaging
1985: 1988: Widget: Alan Forage and William Byrne: Guinness
1985 - First reunion of separated families
1985 - Glasnost and Perestroika
1985: Blood clotting: Genetech
1985: PET Scanner: Michael Phelps
1985: Anxiety chemical : Alessandro Guidotti and Erminion Costa
1985: Cloned leprosy gene vaccine: Ron Davis
1985: PTM Microscope: Jame van House and Arthur Rich
1986: DNA fingerprinting: Alec Jeffreys
1986: Synthetic skin: G Gallico
1986: Ziduvudine
1986 - Hundreds of people walked from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., in the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament.
1987 - 150 US Banks had 900 foreign branches
1987 – October Dow Jones crash: 22.6%: 500 billion
1987: Druid - sundial: John Singleton
1987: Alzheimer's disease gene: NIH
1987: Fetal tissue transplant
1988 - Summer Olympics: Seoul: Korea: Korea is one of the Asian tigers that grew tremendously between the 50's to the 80's (30 years - in about one generation) to be able to host the Olympics in Seoul (1988): Winter Olympics: Calgary: Canada
1989 - President Ronald Regan and Mikhail Gorbachev: The Berlin Wall: The Fall of the Wall On November 9, 1989
1989: USA: Magellan: Orbital radar mapping of Venus
1989: USA: Galileo: Flybys of Moon, Venus, and asteroids Gaspra and Ida, jovian orbital tour
1989 - Student protests in Tiananmen Square
1989: Serra - mirror: Peter Milner
1989: Foreign gene into human: NIH
[1989-1993] President George Bush (MA)
1990 – Technology stocks boom
1990 – Cd’s offered 5% returns
[1990] - Japan Russia normalization Kuril Islands
1990 - Immigration Wave
1991 - North and South Korea joins UN
1991: Clockwork radio: Trevor Baylis
1991: X-ray of human brain recalling a word: Dr. Marcus Raichle
1991: IntronA: Hep B Medication
1992 - Republican president George H. W. Bush pardoned, commuted, or rescinded the convictions of 77 people.
1992: (Israel) Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
1992: UN Secretary Boutros Boutros Ghali (Egypt)
1992 - Summer Olympics: Barcelona: Spain: Winter Olympics: Albertville: France
1992 - The LA riots were a rude awakening for Korean-Americans headlines about Rodney King
1992: Anywayup Cup: Mandy Haberman
[1993-2000] President William Clinton (AR)
William Clinton - Justice Attorney General, Governor, President
1993 – 100 year bonds introduced
1993 - North Korea withdraws from UN, famine hits North Korea. South Korea and other countries send relief, food, and aid
1994 - Staggered Winter Olympics: Lillehammer: Norway
1995: CD/DVD: DVD standard format
1995 - The non proliferation treaty was extended indefinitely. A total of 191 States have joined the Treaty, including the five nuclear-weapon States.
1995 - Million man march
1996: (Israel) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Ehud Barak (Israel)
1996: USA: NEAR: First near Earth asteroid mission, orbiting Eros
1996: USA: Mars Global Surveyor: Mars polar orbiter
1996: USA: Mars Pathfinder: Mars lander, small rover
1996: Russia: Mars orbiter and lander
1996- Summer Olympics: Atlanta: US - Bicentennial Park
1996 – Dow reaches all time high 5894.74
1996 - US Stock: Bonds: Money Market funds had combined assets of $3 trillion
1997: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (Ghana)
1997 - TIPS Bond
1997: Land Shark - amphibious vehicles: David Baker
1997 - China gets Hong Kong (Financial Hub - Language: Cantonese)
1997 - Asian Financial Crisis
1998 - Winter Olympics: Nagano: Japan
1998 -Bill Clinton visits China
1998: Epivir HBV: Zeffrx: Hep B Medication
1999 – South Africa – 449 gold metric tons
1999 – US – 341 gold metric tons
1999 - European monetary - foreign exchange
1999 - China gets Macau - China agrees to trade reforms
20th century – Gold can be commonly found in jewelry stores for wedding rings
2000 - Summer Olympics: Sydney: Australia: Joint Entry in Sydney Olympics - Unified Korean Flag - President Kim Dae Jung
2000 - China gets permanent normal trading status from US Congress
2000 – Total value of US stocks peaked at $14.75 trillion - Tech Boom
2000 - Microsoft splits into 5 departments
2000 - Sunshine Policy - First inter-Korean summit
2001: (Israel) Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
2001: Sept. 11 - DC, NYU: Airport Security
2002 - Winter Olympics: Salt Lake City: Utah: US
2002: European Union
2002 - African Union
2002: Hepsera: Hep B Medication
2002 – Technology stocks lost value: $7.41 trillion
2004 - Summer Olympics: Athens: Greece
2005: Pegasys: Hep B Medication
2005: Baraclude: Hep B Medication
2006 - Winter Olympics: Turin: Italy
2006: Tyzeka: Sebiro: Hep B Medication
2007 - Second inter-Korean summit
2007 – Housing recession
2007 – Shale oil boom
2007: UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon (Korea)
[2008-2016] President Barack Obama
2008 - Summer Olympics: Beijing: China
2008 - The Beijing Olympics of 2008
2008: Viread: Hep B Medication
2009 - Digitization (Digital Switch from Analog to Digital)
2010 - Winter Olympics: Vancouver: Canada
2012 - Summer Olympics: London: England
2013 - Pope Francis (Argentina)
2013 - Black Lives Matter(BLM) is an international human rights movement, originating in the African-American community that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. BLM regularly holds protests speaking out against police killings of black people, and broader issues such as racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system
2014 - Winter Olympics: Sochi: Russia
2015 - China announces the end of its controversial one-child policy. Now, all couples can have two children.
[2016-2020] President Donald Trump
2016 - Summer Olympics: Rio de Janerio: Brazil
2016: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres (Portugal)
2018 - Winter Olympics: Pyeong Chang: Korea
2019 - Taiwan and Hong Kong demonstrations related to China integration
2019 - Coronavirus - COVID 19
2020 - Tokyo Olympics
2020 - England leaves EU with Brexit
2020 - RCEP - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
[2020-2024] - President Joe Biden
2020 - American Rescue Plan
2020 - Internet speed record - 178 Tbps
2020 - Apple reaches $2 trillion dollars
2021 - African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
2021 - Metaverse
2021 - Internet speed record - 319 Tbps - terabits per second
2021 - Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, Space X space launches, James Web Telescope
2021 - Infrastructure Bill
2021 - Ocean cleanup pulled 63,000 pounds of trash from the Great Pacific Garbage patch
2022 - Ukraine War
2022 - Earth Biogenome Project
2022 - Human Cell Atlas
2022 - World economy GDP exceed $100 trillion dollars
2022 - World population reaches 8 billion
2022 - Internet speed record - 1 Pbps - petabit per second
2022 - Esnet6 network at 46 terabits tbps.
2022 - Frontier exabyte supercomputer
2022 - SLS Artemis moon mission launch
2022 - South Korea's Nuri rocket launches on June 21, 2022
2022 - National Ignition Facility
2023 - Croatia became the 20th country to join the eurozone.
2023 - ChatGPT
2023 - Wifi 7 routers - 46 gbps
2023 - Japan islands at 14,000 - 7,000 islands increased
2023 - India lithium 5.9 million tons
2023 - Psyche mission to asteroid Pysche 16
2023 - Starship Launch
2023 - Siena Galaxy Atlas
2023 - Internet speed record - 22.9 pbps
2024 - Wifi Halow
2024 - Lorawan
2024 - Amazon Project Kupier
Compact Bible Handbook - Adam and Eve (4000 BC)
Zondervan Life Application Study Bible NIV
Reader Digest - Bible Atlas - Hasmodean Dynasty after 100 AD
Oxford Essential Desk Reference
New York Public Library Desk Reference
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2002 - Microsoft Works
National Geographic Knowledge Book - History Summary
Human Geography - Human MigrationEarly History Timeline