Family Library

A Christian Worker’s Resources

God created you

God wants to have a personal relationship with you

God loves you

What is sin?

Who has sinned?

What’s so bad about sin?

Why Jesus Christ?

Why did Jesus have to die?

Your respond with belief in Christ

Your response by receiving Christ

Would you like to accept Jesus as your personal Savior?

Prayer: Dear God, I know that sin has separated me from you. Thank you that Jesus Christ died in my place. I ask Jesus Christ died in my place. I ask Jesus to forgive my sin and to come into my life. Please begin to direct my life. Thank you for giving me eternal life. In Jesus name. Amen.

Family Library

Focus on the Family

Reader’s Digest

Reader Digest Store

Charity Navigator

Charity Navigator (Charity List) web app, iPhone

PayPal (Giving Fund) web app, iPhone


World Vision


Red Cross

Save the Children


Justice Ventures


Family Christian Bookstore

Word of Life Books


Salvation Army

Unique Thrift Store


Support your local church

Mission trips

Grocery Stores

Walmart - donates food

Giant - save receipts

Lotte - save receipts

Now here are 12 specific ministries that the Holy Spirit has with each and everyone of us if we would only be willing to work with Him in each one of these areas.

Will Draw the Unsaved Sinner to Jesus

Will Convict Both Unbelievers and Believers

Will Regenerate Our Human Spirits

Will Draw Us Closer to the Lord

Will Sanctify Us in the Lord

Will Help Us With Our Prayer Life

Will Guide Us Into All Truth

Will Teach Us All Things

Will Anoint Us With His Divine Power

Will Be Our Helper and Comforter in This Life

The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Life Application Bible (NIV - Zondervan )

MacArthur Study Bible (NASB, NIV Nelson)

James Strong Concordance (Nelson)

Reader Digest (Abridged Condensed)

One Year Bible (NLT) - Bible Reading Plan