Engineering News
300 BC - Abacus
1300 - Spinning yarn wheel
1400 - Mechanical clocks
1483 - Leonardo’s invention - Armored Vehicle, Parachute, Ornithopter, Glider, Helicopter, Aeroplane
1577 - Jost Burgi invented the minute hand. Burgi's invention was part of a clock made for Tycho Brahe
1600 - Robert Hooke invents microscope
1600 - Galileo Galilei and telescopes
1614, 1616 - Logarithms - John Napier
1623 - Blaise Pascal - wore wrist watch
1642 - Mechanical calculator - Blaise Pascal
1656 - Pendulum clocks
1700 - Benjamin Franklin invented bifocal spectacles
1778 - Flush toilet - Joseph Bramah
1783-1815 - Macadamized roads - John McAdams
1796 - Arkwright spinning machine
1800 - Making steel
1801-1083 - Railway Locomotive - Steam Road Carriage
1830 - Thermostat - Andrew Ure
1831 - Magnetic Field produces electricity - Electric motor, transformer, and generator - Michael Faraday
1832 - Rainhill Bridge spanned Liverpool and Manchester
1834 - Refrigerator - Jacob Perkins
1843 - Fax Machine - Alexander Bain, Giovanni Caselli
1845 - Pneumatic Tire - Robert Thomson, John Dunlop
1846 - Sewing Machine - Elias Howe Jr
1849 - Safety Pin - Walter Hunt
1849 - Glider - George Cayley
1849 - Buoying Vessels - Abraham Lincoln
1850 - Ceramic toilet
1854 - Cyrus West Field and the Atlantic Telegraph Company were behind the construction of the first transatlantic telegraph cable. The project began in 1854 and was completed in 1858
1860 - Light Bulb - Joseph Wilson Swan
1860 - Records
1867 - Typewriter - Carlos Glidden
1868 - Life Signals, Frank Vester
1868-73 - (QWERTY keyboard) - James Denmore
1872 - Grocery Bag - Luther Crowell
1873 - Barbed wire - Joseph Glidden
1875 - Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell
1876 - Air brake - George Westinghouse
1876 - Centennial (100 years)
1876 - AT&T - Following Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in 1876
1877 - Gardiner Hubbard and Thomas Sanders, formed the Bell Telephone Company in 1877.
1877 - Phonograph - Thomas Edison
1879 - Light Bulb - Thomas Edison
1879 - Cash Register - James Ritty
1880 - Electric lamp
1882 - Electric Iron - Henry Steely
1855 - Can Opener - Robert Yeates
1885 - Dishwasher - Josephine Garis
1885 - AT&T was incorporated in 1885 as a subsidiary of Bell, to build and operate the first long-distance telephone
1886 - William Seward Burroughs - adding machine
1888 - National Geographic - 130 years - Society 1889 - Wall Street Journal - DOW, SP500, New York Exchange, Baltimore Exchang, Philadelphia Exchange
1888 - Roll Film Camera - George Eastman (Kodak)
1889 - Herman Hollerith patented electromechanical punch card tabulating system
1889 - William Gray is credited with inventing the coin payphone in the United States in 1889, and George A. Long was its developer
1890 - Inventor Herman Hollerith would eventually go on to establish a company that would become IBM
1890 - Washing machine - William Sellers
1893 - J. Frank and Charles had designed the first successful American gasoline automobile in
1894 - Calculator invented - Otto Steiger
1895 - Breakfast Cereal - John Kellogg, Will Kellogg
1891 - Bottle Cap - William Painter
1897 - Cathode Ray Tube TV
1900 - Radio - Guglielmo Marconi
1901 - Paper Clip - John Vaaler
1901 - Transatlantic radio message - Guglielmo Marconi
1902 - Wake up Devices - Frank Clarke
1902 - Submarine - Cornelius Drebbel, John Holland
1903 - Metal pen nib
1903 - Phonograph
1904 - Tea Bag - Thomas Sullivan
1904 - Air Conditioning - Willis Carrier
1904 - Fax machine - Arthur Korn
1907 - Cutlery - Elmer Walter
1908 - Henry Ford introduced the Model T
1908 - William Durant founded General Motors
1910 - Vacuum cleaner - Daisy
1910 - Neon lights
1912 - Ovenproof Glass - Eugene Sullivan, Corning Glass
1912 - Warren clock company and battery clocks
1913 - Zipper / Velcro - Gideon Sunback, Whitcomb Judson
1918 - Tea Bag - Benjamin Hirschorn
1919 - Tea Bag - Joseph Krieger
1920 - Handheld computer - Hamilton Beach
1920 - Jubilee Cup - hose clip - Lumley Robinson
1920 - Radios for home use
1921 - Electric tea kettle
1922 - Cathode Ray Tube TV commercialized
1922 - Food Processor - Stephen Poplawki - blender
1923 - First self-winding watch - John Harwood
1923-1924 - Television - John Baird, Vladimir Zworykin
1926 - Aerosol Can - Erik Rotheim
1927 - First quartz clock - Warren Marrison
1928 - Geiger Counter - Hans Geiger, Walther Muller
1928-35 - Sliced Bread - Otto Frederick Rohwedder
1929 - Licorice - George Bassett
1930 - Radio entertaining medium NBC and BBC
1930 - Jet Engine - Frank Wittle
1930-1958 - Rolodex - Arnold Neustadter
1932 - Anglepoise Lamp - George Carwardine
1933 - Polythene - Eric Fawcett, Reginald Gibson
1934 - Electric Refrigerator
1934 - Catseyes - reflecting road studs - Percy Shaw
1935 - Radar - Robert Watson-Watt
1935 - Parking meter - Carlton Magee
1936 - Alan Turing - universal machine
1937 - Instant Coffee - Max Mortgenthaler
1938 - Instant Coffee - Nestle
1938 - Photocopier - Chester Carlson
1939 - Nonstick Pan - Roy Plunkett, Marc Gregoire
1939 - Hewlett-Packard
1943 - ENIAC computer
1944 - Tetra Pak - Ruben Rausing
1945 - Microwave Oven - Percy Spencer
1946 - Disposable Diaper - Marion Donovan
1947 - Tupperware - Earl Tupper
1947 - Ovenproof Glass - S.D. Stookey, Corning Glass
1947 - Transistor - Willam Shockely, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain
1948 - Polaroid Camera - Edwin Land
1948 - Computer and Mouse - Freddie Williams and Thomas Kilburn
1949 - Bar code - Barndard Silver and Norman Woodland
1950 - Food Processor - Ken Wood - Food Processor
1950 - Standards Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) was created
1951 - Correction Fluid - Bette Nesmith
1953 - COBOL
1954 - FORTRAN
1955 - Hovercraft - Christopher Cockerell
1955 - TV Remote Control - Eugene Polley
1958 - Flight data recorder - David Warren
1958 - Integrated Circuit - Jack Kirby and Robert Noyce
1959 - Microchip - Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce
1960 - Color television had begun to replace black and white technology
1960 - Atomic clock - Willard Libby
1962 - Modem - AT&T
1062 - LED - Nick Holonyak
1963 - Kevlar - Stephanie Kwolek, Paul Morgan
1963 - Cassette tapes
1964 - Lava Lamp - Craven Walker
1964 - Flat Screen TV - University of Illinois
1964 - Douglas Engelbart introduces a prototype for the modern computer that includes a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI)
1965 - Ring Pull - Ermal Fraze
1965 - Wine Box - Thomas Angove
1967 - Computer and Mouse - Douglas Engelbart
1969 - Developers at Bell Labs unveil UNIX
1969 - C programming language
1969 - Laser Printer - Gary Starkweather
1970 - Intel DRAM
1971 - Video Game Arcades
1971 - Food Processor - Pierre Verdun - Food Processor
1973 - Ethernet - Robert Metcalfe
1973 - IBM (bar code scanner)
1976 - Apple I computer
1977 - VHS
1977 - Atari
1978-93 - Dual Cyclone Cleaner - James Dyson
1978 - Laserdisc
1980 - Jaron Lanier - Virtual reality google and gloves
1981 - IBM Acorn
1982 - CD - Compact Discs
1983 - Nintendo
1984 - IBM Point Stick, TrackPoint
1984 - Apple introduced Macintosh
1984 - Handheld television
1985 - Microsoft Windows
1985 - C++
1985 - Widget - Alan Forage and William Byrne
1985 - AOL founded
1986 - National Science Foundation - launches NAFNET, first large scale network
1986 - 3D printing, Chuck Hull
1987 - IBM - OS 2 Warp Operating System
1988 - Widget - Guinness
1989 - Tim Berners Lee - World Wide Web
1989 - Commercial ISP - Internet Service provider - dial up service
1990 - HTML - Tim Berners Lee
1990 - Hubble Telescope
1991 - Tim Berners Lee - First Web browser
1991 - Linux operating system - Linux Torvalds (Finland)
1991 - Clockwork radio - Trevor Baylis
1991 - Garmin GPS
1993 - Apple Newton
1993 - Mosaic - First web browser
1994 - Netscape Navigator
1994 - Amazon, Yahoo
1994 - Sony PlayStation
1995 - eBay
1995 - Windows 95
1995 - Internet explorer
1995 - Yahoo - Jerry Yang and David Filo in January (1994)
1995 - USB 1.0
1995 - Java Programming Language
1996 - Hotmail
1996 - Palm Pilot - handheld computer and personal information manager - touch screens
1997 - Land Shark - amphibious vehicles , David Baker
1997 - Sharp and Sony introduced the first large flat screen TV PALC Technology
1997 - DVD
1997 - IBM Deep Blue Beats Garry Kasparov
1997 - Red Hat Linux 5.2
1997 - IPv4
1997 - Netflix, Palm Pilot
1997 - Toyota Prius Hybrid electric vehicle
1998 - Windows 98
1998 - Google
1998 - Smart homes
1999 - WiFi, Bluetooth
2000 - Windows NT - new technologies
2000 - Microsoft splits into 5 departments
2000 - Windows 2000
2000 - USB 2.0
2001 - Apple introduced Unix like system for Mac OS X, Apple introduced iPod
2001 - Wikipedia
2001 - Microsoft Xbox
2002 - The total number of personal computers, both desktop and laptop reach 1 billion
2002 - 3G Network, Roku
2003 - Windows XP
2003 - Microsoft Office / Microsoft Works
2003 - Google - Gmail
2003 - Apple iTunes
2004 - Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg (Harvard University)
2005 - Windows Vista
2005 - Apple used IBM Power PC chips
2005 - YouTube
2006 - Tesla Motors
2006 - Twitter, Blu Ray
2006 - The transistors used to create LCD flat screens
2006 - Apple began using Intel chips
2007 - Apple introduced the iPhone
2007 - Amazon releases kindle
2007 - Apple iPhone, Amazon Prime
2007 - Smart Thermostats - Ecobee
2008 - Google Android Phones, Google Releases mobile operating system - Google - Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Stanford University)
2008 - Sirius XM Radio
2009 - Bing, Bitcoin
2009 - 4G Networks
2009 - LCD flat screens dominated the TV market
2009 - Samsung Galaxy
2009 - Fitbit
2010 - Chevy Volt
2010 - Nissan Leaf
2010 - Analog to Digital TV Transition
2010 - Instagram
2010 - Apple sells 3 million iPad
2010 - Windows 7
2011 - Google chrome book
2012 - Windows 8 operating system
2013 - Smartwatches
2014 - Amazon Echo
2014 - Apple Pay
2015 - IPv6
2016 - Windows 10
2016 - TikTok
2017 - Internet speed record 26.2 tbps
[2018] - Winter Olympics: Pyeongchang, Korea
2018 - Mars Insight Lander
2018 - 2019 - 5G Networks
2018 - Apple reaches $1 trillion dollars
2019 - SpaceX Starlink
2019 - Microsoft reaches $1 trillion dollars
2020 - Internet speed record - 44.2 tbps
2020 - Internet speed record - 178 tbps
2020 - Apple reaches $2 trillion dollars
2020 - Alphabet reaches $1 trillion dollars
2020 - Amazon reaches $1 trillion dollars
2021 - Mars rover and Ingenuity Helicopter
2021 - Metaverse
2021 - Internet speed record - 319 Tbps - terabits per second
2021 - Microsoft reaches $2 trillion dollars
2021 - Facebook reaches $1 trillion dollars
2021 - Tesla reaches $1 trillion dollars
2021 - Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, Space X space launches, James Web Telescope
2021 - Infrastructure Bill
2021 - Ocean cleanup pulled 63,000 pounds of trash from the Great Pacific Garbage patch
2022 - Human genome decode complete
2022 - Google deep mind ai - 200 million proteins
2022 - Earth Biogenome Project
2022 - Human Cell Atlas
2022 - World economy GDP exceed $100 trillion dollars
2022 - World population reaches 8 billion
2022 - Internet speed record - 1 Pbps - petabit per second
2022 - Esnet6 network at 46 terabits tbps.
2022 - Frontier exabyte supercomputer
2022 - SLS Artemis moon mission launch
2022 - National Ignition Facility
2023 - ChatGPT
2023 - Wifi 7 routers - 46 gbps
2023 - Nvidia reaches $1 trillion dollars
2023 - Apple Vision Pro
2023 - Internet speed record - 1.8 pbps
2023 - Psyche mission to asteroid Pysche 16
2023 - Amazon Project Kupier