Field Guide
Field Guide
Document : Developer's Report - Developer's Tools and Field Guide
Developer Tools
- Eclipse with Oracle Plug-in
- Oracle XE Database Release
- Apache Tomcat 7.0
- Java Development Kit 1.7
Installation Guide
Developer Tools
- Eclipse with Oracle Plug-in
- Oracle XE Database Release
- Apache Tomcat 7.0
- Java Development Kit 1.7
To create your own version of this template, edit the contents of this document and then save it as a template:
- Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_02-b05
- Editors: Eclipse, Text pad
- Frameworks: Ant, Java Media, Framework, Java FX 2.2
- Website:
Installation Guide
- Install jdk to program files
- Install eclipse to program files
- Install java media framework
- Copy Shared libraries to Java Runtime C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext
- Install java fx 2.2
Eclipse (Getting Started)
- Start Eclipse
Desktop application
- Import project (JourneymanSoftware)
- Double click build.xml
- Right click run target
- Right click default target for distribution files
Projects and Applications
- Applications
- Desktop application: JourneymanSoftware.jar
- Web application: JourneymanSoftware.war
- Install applications to eclipse\workspace
- Install JourneymanSoftware to eclipse\workspace\JourneymanSoftware
Web application
- Import project (Journey Life)
- Right click default target for distribution files
- Install Apache Tomcat from Release Directory
- Right click deploy to publish:
- Start Apache Tomcat Server (default 8080)
- Right click test target
- Open JourneyLife (web browser: http://localhost:8080/JourneyLife)
Apache Tomcat Service
- Right click on :
- Tomcat7.exe
- Properties:
- Compatibility
- Run this program as administrator
- Right click on :
- Tomcat7w.exe
- Properties:
- Compatibility
- Run this program as administrator
- Open command prompt:
- cd C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-tomcat-7.0.37\bin
- service install
- Double click Tomcat7w.exe:
- Logging Settings:
- Log path: C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-tomcat-7.0.37\logs
- Java:
- Java Virtual Machine: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll
- Java Classpath:
- C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-tomcat-7.0.37\bin\tomcat-juli.jar;C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-tomcat-7.0.37\bin\bootstrap.jar
- Open Services:
- Tomcat 7
- Startup Type: Automatic
- Click Start
Eclipse Project Configuration
Eclipse On Windows platforms:
- Window | Open Perspective | Java
- Window | Open Perspective | Debug
- Window | Open Perspective | Database Development
- Window | Open Perspective | XML
- Window | Open Perspective | Web
- Window | Open Perspective | JavaScript
Java Database Connectivity
- (Oracle Thin) Add [ORACLE_HOME]\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar
- (Oracle JDBC) Add [ORACLE_HOME]\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar
Command Prompt Scripting
Command Prompt: Java Scripting
- Start | Run | cd
- cd developer\test\ workspace\JourneymanSoftware
- Copy JourneymanSoftware\dist to developer\Test\Applications
- cd developer\test\Applications\JourneymanSofware
- run install script
- JarTool: Press Extract | JourneymanSoftware.jar | Press select
- Exit JarTool
- run JourneymanSoftware script
In the project: JourneymanSoftware.cmd file try changing
java -jar JourneymanSoftware.jar
java -cp JourneymanSoftware
The update will read the library files bundled in the binary jar file without having to extract the files using jar xvf JourneymanSoftware.jar
Environment Variables: Environment Script
- set JAVA_HOME="c:\Progra~1\jdk1.7.0_09\bin"
- set CATALINA_HOME="C:\Progra~1\Apache Group\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14"
- set TOMCAT="C:\Progra~1\Apache Group\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\bin"
- set ECLIPSE="c:\Progra~1\eclipse"
- set FIREFOX="C:\Progra~1\Mozilla Firefox"
- color f2
Eclipse Import Projects
- Install applications to eclipse\workspace
- Web application: JourneyLife
Eclipse Project Structure
Journeyman Software
Java Development Kit
- wav, au - java sound files
- Java Media Framework
- mp3 - java media framework music files
- Java Database Connectivity
- (Oracle Thin) Add [ORACLE_HOME]\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar
- (Oracle JDBC) Add [ORACLE_HOME]\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar
Field Guide
- Eclipse | ANT | build.xml
- Run default target
- Copy dist folder to Applications folder
- Run install script
- Extract JourneymanSoftware.jar
- Extract JourneymanSoftware.war
- Run JourneymanSoftware script
Computer Equipment
- Computer / Laptop
- Logitech 3D Game Controller (USB)
- Logitech Mouse / Trackball
Desktop Application
- Browser: Browser
- Office: Word Tool, SpreadSheet Tool, Calendar
- Multimedia: Media Player, Video Player
- Developer: HTML Tool, SQL Tool, XML Tool
Java File Support - Java Development Kit
- wav, au - java sound files
- Java Media Framework
- mp3 - java media framework music files
- Java Web Archive - JourneyLife.war
- html - text file for hyper text markup language
- images - gif, jpg - animated gifs
- css - stylesheets
- js - javascript files
- xml - extensible markup language